Is it possible to run unprivileged container without PAM or

I’ve thought that is mandatory to run unprivileged container in order that non-root user could handle cgroup.

According to “”,
PAM seems to be not as crucial.

Delegated cgroup
  pam - not as crucial
  echo "session optional -c freezer,memory,name=systemd" >> /etc/pam.d/common-services

Is it possible to run unprivileged container without PAM or ?


It is possible but you will need to do the cgroup setup that pam_cgfs would normally do by hand as root.

So making sure that whatever shell you run lxc-start as a user from is in a cgroup which is owned by that user.

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Oh, I see.

You mean that I need to do the next things if I don’t use

for example,

  • mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/user/USER NAME/0
  • add pid into /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/user/USER NAME/0/tasks

Am I right ?

Right and also chown the directory and the entries in the directory, especially tasks so that the user itself will be able to add tasks to it.

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