Issue using LXC on locally installed LXD snap

In an attempt to prevent automatic snap updates, I have resorted to installing LXD’s snap locally so that snap won’t refresh it.

However I have noticed that when the snap is locally installed, LXC commands no longer work, however LXD commands remain functional.

Following is a freshly created Ubuntu Server VM:

$ snap list
Name    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core18  20201210  1944   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
lxd     4.0.5     19188  4.0/stable/…   canonical✓  -
snapd   2.48.2    10707  latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd

$ lxd --version

$ lxc --version

$ lxc list
If this is your first time running LXD on this machine, you should also run: lxd init
To start your first instance, try: lxc launch ubuntu:18.04


Both LXD and LXC commands work normally as expected. However after locally installing the snap:

$ snap download lxd --channel=4.0/stable
Fetching snap "lxd"
Fetching assertions for "lxd"
Install the snap with:
   snap ack lxd_21029.assert
   snap install lxd_21029.snap

$ snap install lxd_21029.snap --dangerous
lxd 4.0.7 installed

$ snap list
Name    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core18  20201210  1944   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
lxd     4.0.7     x1     4.0/stable/…   -           -
snapd   2.48.2    10707  latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd

LXC commands stop working:

$ lxd --version

$ lxc --version

Command 'lxc' not found, but can be installed with:

apt install lxd-installer  # version 1, or
apt install lxd            # version 1:0.9

Any help is appreciated.

You’ll need to run snap alias lxd.lxc lxc


Worked like a charm! Thank you.