Issue when moving a volume to another project

The whole purpose is to move all the containers in project A to project B because I don’t want anymore that the scope of volumes, networks and other resources is private to the project. Project A was created as such in the beginning (features.*: true) while project B has been created with features.*: false.

I did the following:

$ lxc storage volume move pool01/vol01 pool01/vol01 --project A --target-project B

The operation is successful:


$ lxc storage volume list pool01 --project B
$ lxc storage volume list pool01 --all-projects
|     PROJECT     |   TYPE    |      NAME       |                  DESCRIPTION                   | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY |
|  B              | custom    | vol01           | my description                                 | filesystem   | 0       |
$ sudo zfs list -r pool01
NAME                                                             USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
pool01/custom/B_vol01                                             0B   4.66G     67.9M  legacy
pool01/deleted/custom/225b0a28-4f9b-4e55-bb86-3d849aa91e6e      67.9M  4.59G     67.9M  legacy

So it seems my volume is trashed and visible only with the --all-projects flag.

I’m on 5.13

Did I do anything wrong? How can I restore my volume?

Thanks for reporting this. You’ve found a bug.

I’ve reproduced it, and the issue is that when the storage volume is moved to a project that has it incorrectly is recorded as being associated with the target project, rather than being associated (and renamed on the underlying storage pool) to being associated with the default project.

Because moving a storage volume to a project which doesn’t have storage volume support shouldn’t be allowed really, and instead you effectively need/want to move it to the default project.

Let me see if I can help you with a DB query to fix this…

First run this query to get the volume ID:

lxd sql global 'select storage_volumes.* from storage_volumes join projects on = storage_volumes.project_id where = "vol01" and == "B"'
|  id  | name | storage_pool_id | node_id | type | description | project_id | content_type |         creation_date          |
| nnnn | vol01  | 2               | 1       | 2    |             | 22         | 0            | 2023-05-12T14:48:06.639327778Z |

Then move it to the default project:

lxd sql global 'update storage_volumes set project_id = 1 where id = nnnn'

We then also need to rename the underlying storage volume to the default project:

sudo zfs rename pool01/custom/B_vol01 pool01/custom/default_vol01

I’ve opened a bug for this: