Issues upgrading to incus .6, LXD still running?/

I am using Incus and very happy mostly, except always seem to hang. I believe the problem is server Q4. It still shows schema 70 in spite of Apt upgrade.
incus admin sql global “SELECT * FROM nodes”
| id | name | description | address | schema | api_extensions | heartbeat | state | arch | failure_domain_id |
| 1 | Q4 | | | 70 | 373 | 2024-02-26T12:19:21.442499691-05:00 | 0 | 2 |
| 2 | Q3 | | | 71 | 379 | 2024-02-26T13:06:41.235853855-05:00 | 0 | 2 |
| 3 | Q2 | | | 71 | 379 | 2024-02-26T13:06:40.622927441-05:00 | 0 | 2 |
| 4 | Q1 | | | 71 | 379 | 2024-02-26T13:06:45.174821566-05:00 | 0 | 2 |

Interestingly it still has many parts of LXD still in htop .
What is the best way to clear this out, may be just delete it in Snap?

Yeah, if not using LXD, you can snap remove --purge lxd.

For Q4, you want the usual check of making sure that the latest version of the package is installed (should match the other 3) and then check journalctl -u incus -n 300 to see if there’s something that’s failing on startup.

When I killed the LXD the Incus came up across all servers

Thanks, all is good

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