It should be easier to find LXC images from the home page

When you know where you’re going here is the path

Suppose you want “regular debian”

then Linux Containers - distrobuilder - Introduction
then Images [Jenkins]
then image-debian [Jenkins]
then amd64,bookworm,default [image-debian] [Jenkins]

and then the file you’ll want is,release=bookworm,variant=default/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/rootfs.tar.xz

Given all the stuff on all of those pages, this represent a lot of questioning through many steps.

I assume that most people who figure out they need some LXC image will end up on the page and then they will have to travel through this maze. And I would also assume that this is the reason why most people come to

So, I would suggest, as a concession for these users, having a prominent

Get LXC images here

that leads to a page where the LXC capable distros are listed

This list should point directly to, the latest build of the current stable x86’s rootfs file, for each of the LXC capable linux distros

Or if you want to give the format choice, it could be a table like this
So you get the quick link to the file of the x86, default, lastest stable, in the 3 common formats plus the project page if you need something special

These are the LXC image files for the latest stable x86 version with the default configuration. If you need cloud-specific images, ARM architecture versions, or older, experimental, or rolling release variants, please click on “project” for the full range of options, including meta and Incus files.


  • File Types:
    • qcow2: Full disk image for VMs.
    • squashfs: Compressed, read-only file system for minimal footprint.
    • tar.xz: Compressed archive for root file systems.
    • meta: Contains image metadata.
    • incus: Configuration/control file for the Incus container management tool.
  • LXC Image Versions:
    • Default: Basic image for general container use, customizable by the user.
    • Cloud: Pre-configured with cloud-init for automated configuration in cloud environments.

You probably want default x86 tax.xz rootfs

This would have saved me hours of search. because it is really easy to go in the wrong direction when you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for and where it is !

I’m a bit confused as to why you’re doing this rather than use lxc-create -t download and have it download those files directly from the image server for you.

Anyway, I made a few tweaks to to include links to which then have links to individual images if one really wants to download them by hand rather than have LXC or Incus pull them directly.

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