Kill lxd operation

I suppose one of the operation of lxd stuck, is there a way to kill that operation?

indiana@mars:~$ lxc operation list
|                  ID                  | TYPE |   DESCRIPTION   | STATUS  | CANCELABLE |       CREATED        |
| 285e156e-e851-4ea6-b2ba-98ff382de21d | TASK | Updating images | RUNNING | NO         | 2021/08/20 07:28 UTC |
indiana@mars:~$ lxc operation show 285e156e-e851-4ea6-b2ba-98ff382de21d
id: 285e156e-e851-4ea6-b2ba-98ff382de21d
class: task
description: Updating images
created_at: 2021-08-20T10:28:13.100178634+03:00
updated_at: 2021-08-20T10:28:13.100178634+03:00
status: Running
status_code: 103
resources: {}
metadata: {}
may_cancel: false
err: ""
location: none

Anything in the logs suggesting where it got stuck?

sudo systemctl reload snap.lxd.daemon should clear it though.

Thanks, I have find the stucked image.

Does it give any indication what it got stuck on, a network timeout perhaps?

Actually, I have a ceph cluster too and cant reached at the moment and some of the images are located there, so in the log, I found that line.

t=2021-08-20T13:15:13+0300 lvl=dbug msg="Database error: &errors.errorString{s:\"No such object\"}" 


That is a “normal” message (I’d actually like to get rid of that one at some point as its not very helpful), it just means the DB row wasn’t there for some query that occurred.

More likely the process hung on I/O if the ceph cluster is unreachable.

Definitely, thanks for clarification. :+1: