Lxc commands hung till wifi is connected, using two network interfaces

When I created my LXC container I was using Wifi to connect to the internet. After that I’ve started using Eth connection. My LXC wouldn’t run while connected to Ethernet and only works when Wifi is connected.

When I run lxd list or lxd start it just stuck doing nothing till the Wifi is connected.

OS: Ubutnu 20.04
LXC Version: 4.19
Could you please, thank you.

I was able to figure the root of the issue with some research and the help of @smcavoy on IRC.

In logs there are these errors:

Oct 16 09:35:51 system lxd.daemon[101279]: t=2021-10-16T09:35:51+0300 lvl=warn msg="Dqlite: attempt 2: server dial: Failed to connect to HTTP endpoint: dial tcp connect: no route to host"

and I run lxd with debug using sudo lxd --debug --group lxd and got this:

DBUG[10-16|09:16:05] Initializing database gateway 
INFO[10-16|09:16:05] Starting database node                   id=1 address= role=voter
DBUG[10-16|09:16:05] Connecting to a local LXD over a Unix socket 
DBUG[10-16|09:16:05] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0 etag=
DBUG[10-16|09:17:31] Detected stale unix socket, deleting 
DBUG[10-16|09:17:31] Detected stale unix socket, deleting 
INFO[10-16|09:17:31] Unable to bind https address "", re-trying for a minute 
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Stopping REST API handler: 
INFO[10-16|09:18:30]  - closing socket                        socket=/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Stopping /dev/lxd handler: 
INFO[10-16|09:18:30]  - closing socket                        socket=/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/devlxd/sock
EROR[10-16|09:18:30] Failed to start the daemon               err="Bind network address: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address"
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Starting shutdown sequence               signal=interrupt
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Transferring leadership                  address=
WARN[10-16|09:18:30] Could not handover member's responsibilities err="Failed to transfer leadership: No online voter found"
DBUG[10-16|09:18:30] Cancel ongoing or future gRPC connection attempts 
DBUG[10-16|09:18:30] Cancel ongoing or future gRPC connection attempts 
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Stop database gateway 
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Not unmounting temporary filesystems (instances are still running) 
INFO[10-16|09:18:30] Daemon stopped 
Error: Bind network address: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address

@smcavoy advice me to check with lxc config edit and I found the IP there. I can delete it and connect locally using lxc or change it to the current one.

I think I had issue when I tried to delete the ip, maybe you can try to change it to the current active network connection IP.