Lxc import - error: not found

  • I exported my container with lxc export container.
  • Deleted the container and images from storage pool
  • Ran lxd init again to add a ZFS storage pool (was using dir).
  • Removed default pool
  • Imported the backup

But I run into this issue:

stanislas@xps ~> lxc import backup.tar.gz
Error: not found 

What did I do wrong?


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Hmm, that’s a pretty unfortunate error :slight_smile:

Can you show lxc import backup.tar.gz --debug?

Off the top of my head, my guess would be that a profile or storage pool mentioned in the backup is missing, but it may be something else entirely…

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Oh, my dir pool was named default, and this one is named zpool-lxd.

Here it is:

stanislas@xps-sla ~> lxc import backup.tar.gz --debug
DBUG[01-29|17:38:05] Connecting to a local LXD over a Unix socket 
DBUG[01-29|17:38:05] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0 etag=
DBUG[01-29|17:38:09] Got response struct from LXD 
                "config": {},
                "api_extensions": [
                "api_status": "stable",
                "api_version": "1.0",
                "auth": "trusted",
                "public": false,
                "auth_methods": [
                "environment": {
                        "addresses": [],
                        "architectures": [
                        "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\noK5IuQFWD4EElgEnXw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
                        "certificate_fingerprint": "d7a1d306eca0421e7614a3393db4ea8050d50b4f99b1354b39b32193929aba10",
                        "driver": "lxc",
                        "driver_version": "3.1.0",
                        "kernel": "Linux",
                        "kernel_architecture": "x86_64",
                        "kernel_version": "4.20.4-arch1-1-ARCH",
                        "server": "lxd",
                        "server_pid": 18319,
                        "server_version": "3.9",
                        "storage": "zfs",
                        "storage_version": "0.7.12-1",
                        "server_clustered": false,
                        "server_name": "xps-sla",
                        "project": "default"
DBUG[01-29|17:38:09] Connected to the websocket
DBUG[01-29|17:38:09] Sending request to LXD                   method=POST url=http://unix.socket/1.0/containers etag=
Importing container: 100% (866.34MB/s)DBUG[01-29|17:38:14] Got operation from LXD
                "id": "884b1ac4-6913-40b6-a432-397ef198279a",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Restoring backup",
                "created_at": "2019-01-29T17:38:14.379586205+01:00",
                "updated_at": "2019-01-29T17:38:14.379586205+01:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": {
                        "containers": [
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": ""
DBUG[01-29|17:38:14] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/884b1ac4-6913-40b6-a432-397ef198279a etag=
DBUG[01-29|17:38:14] Got response struct from LXD
                "id": "884b1ac4-6913-40b6-a432-397ef198279a",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Restoring backup",
                "created_at": "2019-01-29T17:38:14.379586205+01:00",
                "updated_at": "2019-01-29T17:38:14.379586205+01:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": {
                        "containers": [
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": ""
Error: not found

Btw, this container is not important, but maybe someone will run into the same error as I did :slight_smile:

Can you go inside that tarball and get the .yaml files that are directly inside it?

That may give us a clue as to what’s causing the error.

Makes sense:

stanislas@xps-sla ~> cat index.yaml
project: ""
name: myct
backend: dir
privileged: false
pool: default

I will try importing the backup with the new pool name.

Doesn’t work:

stanislas@xps-sla ~> lxc import backup.tar.gz
Error: Internal import request: The storage pool "default" the container was detected on does not match the storage pool "zpool-lxd" specified in the backup file

Can you find the backup.yaml file in the tarball? should be under container/


  architecture: x86_64
    image.architecture: amd64
    image.description: Debian stretch amd64 (20190123_05:25)
    image.os: Debian
    image.release: stretch
    image.serial: "20190123_05:25"
    volatile.base_image: a17e9d4577503b2b553b0b85814f4b5b7b70851cb2ad921acf160ef060ac1f56
    volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:0f:12:fd
    volatile.idmap.base: "0"
    volatile.idmap.next: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
    volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
    volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
  devices: {}
  ephemeral: false
  - default
  stateful: false
  description: ""
  created_at: 2019-01-28T15:04:58.485777318+01:00
    image.architecture: amd64
    image.description: Debian stretch amd64 (20190123_05:25)
    image.os: Debian
    image.release: stretch
    image.serial: "20190123_05:25"
    volatile.base_image: a17e9d4577503b2b553b0b85814f4b5b7b70851cb2ad921acf160ef060ac1f56
    volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:0f:12:fd
    volatile.idmap.base: "0"
    volatile.idmap.next: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
    volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
    volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
      name: eth0
      nictype: bridged
      parent: lxdbr0
      type: nic
      path: /
      pool: default
      type: disk
  name: myct
  status: Stopped
  status_code: 102
  last_used_at: 2019-01-28T15:04:59.72095902+01:00
  location: none
snapshots: []
    source: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default
  description: ""
  name: default
  driver: dir
  used_by: []
  status: Created
  - none
  config: {}
  description: ""
  name: myct
  type: container
  used_by: []
  location: none

So, to import a backup that was made on a different storage pool:

In backup.tar.gz/index.yml, modify:

  • backend (if the pool type is different)
  • pool

In backup.tar.gz/container/backup.yml, modify:

  • pool.driver (if the pool type is different)
  • container.expanded_devices.root.pool
  • pool.config.source
  • pool.name

Thanks for your help!


Ok, so that’s obviously not ideal :slight_smile:

@monstermunchkin I think we’d at least want:

  • Clear error when the storage pool can’t be found during restore
  • Option to lxc import to override the storage pool, so one can do -s blah at import time
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@monstermunchkin please file a Github issue to track this, thanks!

Let’s try again with LXD 3.10:

stanislas@xps-sla ~> lxc import notthatbigct.tar.gz
Error: Create container from backup: No root device could be found
stanislas@xps-sla ~> lxc storage list
|   NAME    | DESCRIPTION | DRIVER |                    SOURCE                    | USED BY |
| zpool-lxd |             | zfs    | /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/zpool-lxd.img | 1       |
stanislas@xps-sla ~> lxc import notthatbigct.tar.gz -s zpool-lxd
Error: Create container from backup: No root device could be found
stanislas@xps-sla ~> lxc import
  Import backups of containers including their snapshots.

  lxc import [<remote>:] <backup file> [flags]

  lxc import backup0.tar.gz
      Create a new container using backup0.tar.gz as the source.

  -s, --storage   Storage pool name

Global Flags:
      --debug            Show all debug messages
      --force-local      Force using the local unix socket
  -h, --help             Print help
      --project string   Override the source project
  -q, --quiet            Don't show progress information
  -v, --verbose          Show all information messages
      --version          Print version number

Am I missing something?

Thanks for reporting. This is a bug in the backup code. Here’s the PR: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/pull/5506

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Great, let me know when I can can test it :slight_smile:

The issue has been fixed upstream. It will be available in LXD 3.11. Alternatively you can check out the master branch.

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I tested with the current edge snap channel and it’s working. Good job!