Lxc/incus 6 in debian repo

Just wondering when lxc 6.0 and incus 6.0 will hit the debian repo’s:



@gibmat has been working on those. I understand that there are some dependencies that need to make it in first and Debian has also been a bit busy with both the time_t transition and the fallout of the xz issue, so it will take some time.

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incus 6.0 is available in unstable; once the time_t transition finishes up (no ETA on that, as far as I know) and things migrate to testing, I’ll prepare an updated backport of incus for bookworm. Due to backporting rules, only packages that exist in testing can be backported to help ensure a smooth upgrade when the following version of Debian is released.

I’m working with another Debian Developer to upload lxc 6.0 to unstable as well; I’m hoping that will be within a week or so. There are no plans to backport lxc 6.0 to bookworm.


Thank you for the update. Looking forward to both lxc and incus on debian testing.