Lxc storage delete lxd Error: No such object

I’ve deleted the zfs pool manually and still I’m unable to get lxc to remove this storage “lxd” (the name of the zfs pool I created). When I rebooted the server lxd refused to start because the lxd zfs pool was missing. However I can’t figure out where the metadata is coming from and/or how to change the default pool to a different zfs pool.

How do I change the default storage pool to lxdmirror and remove all traces of lxd… and get lxd to read from the right storage pool on start up?

# lxc storage delete lxd

Error: No such Object
# lxc storage list lxd
| lxd       |             | zfs    | lxd       | 2       |
| lxdmirror |             | zfs    | lxdmirror | 15      |

# lxc storage show lxd
  source: lxd
  zfs.pool_name: lxd
description: ""
name: lxd
driver: zfs
- /1.0/images/beb29682c9b598c824592166ee619c8478f5ccba226f525a7d7c0e8810bf3874
- /1.0/images/e1e62217dabb1acff585f13472af44b2720839546d1c3fb60d6187afa91fc995
status: Created
- none

The errors may be coming from those images.
Can you do lxc storage volume list lxd and then attempt to delete them with:

  • lxc storage volume delete lxd image/beb29682c9b598c824592166ee619c8478f5ccba226f525a7d7c0e8810bf3874
  • lxc storage volume delete lxd image/e1e62217dabb1acff585f13472af44b2720839546d1c3fb60d6187afa91fc995

It could be that this is what’s failing and preventing the deletion of the storage pool.

If they don’t go away willingly (likely since you wiped the pool), you may need a bit of DB surgery, can you show:

  • lxd sql global “SELECT * FROM storage_pools;”
  • lxd sql global “SELECT * FROM storage_volumes;”
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Sorry for bumping this thread again.

Recently I had this problem too.

$ lxc storage volume list local


It show empty list

But, when I try to delete it

$ lxc storage delete local

Error: Failed getting image info for “2cfc5a5567b8d74c0986f3d8a77a2a78e58fe22ea9abd2693112031f85afa1a1”: No such object

I tried the DB surgery command

$ lxd sql global “SELECT * FROM storage_pools;”

| id |     name     | driver | description | state |
| 1  | local        | zfs    |             | 1     |
| 6  | brickpool    | zfs    |             | 1     |
| 7  | datapool     | zfs    |             | 1     |
| 9  | ujian_online | cephfs |             | 1     |

$ lxd sql global “SELECT * FROM storage_volumes WHERE name=‘2cfc5a5567b8d74c0986f3d8a77a2a78e58fe22ea9abd2693112031f85afa1a1’;”

| id |                               name                               | storage_pool_id | node_id | type | description | project_id |
| 2  | 2cfc5a5567b8d74c0986f3d8a77a2a78e58fe22ea9abd2693112031f85afa1a1 | 1               | 1       | 1    |             | 1          |
| 6  | 2cfc5a5567b8d74c0986f3d8a77a2a78e58fe22ea9abd2693112031f85afa1a1 | 1               | 3       | 1    |             | 1          |

How can I get rid this image from the pool?

Can you show the output of:

lxd sql global 'select * from images where fingerprint = "2cfc5a5567b8d74c0986f3d8a77a2a78e58fe22ea9abd2693112031f85afa1a1"'

My suspicion is that you won’t get a row back, and this is what is causing the error when deleting the pool here: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/66fd330d466b22ed474717c6985aae632da583fc/lxd/storage_pools.go#L615-L618

@stgraber is there any particular reason why we are checking whether the image exists first before attempting to delete the image volume? As the only property we use from the returned imgInfo is the Fingerprint field, which we already have as the volume name? Is the check there purely to confirm that the volume we are about to delete is indeed an image volume? If so then we could change the query to return the volume type instead and check that.

I have the same issue.
Can’t delete the default pool.

I’m also running into this. I’m trying to do a rolling OS upgrade by removing nodes from the cluster and adding them back. But:

root@duke:/tmp# lxc cluster remove miles
Error: Failed getting image info for "c1549a94399b666577d113f163194669dfb5e59291e1c35be856e73a56c8b080": Image not found
root@duke:/tmp# lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM storage_pools;"
| id |     name     | driver |       description       | state |
| 1  | cephpool     | ceph   | Ceph pool for lxd disks | 1     |
| 3  | zfspool      | zfs    |                         | 1     |
| 6  | zfsencrypted | zfs    |                         | 1     |
root@duke:/tmp# lxd sql global "SELECT * FROM storage_volumes;"
|  id  |                               name                               | storage_pool_id | node_id | type | description | project_id | content_type |
| 8    | sensible                                                         | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 9    | unifi                                                            | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 15   | minecraft                                                        | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 34   | homeauto                                                         | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 37   | fileserver                                                       | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 107  | win10                                                            | 1               | <nil>   | 3    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 136  | win11                                                            | 1               | <nil>   | 3    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 159  | testwebserver                                                    | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 160  | testactiva                                                       | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 175  | win11test                                                        | 1               | <nil>   | 3    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 338  | 9933aef762196222cd2a7220ef4f1798fedf6a29dfb1790c32239cf2b888aeea | 3               | 2       | 1    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 366  | 6645c75aa225491eea6c83ae7c4b94c9b936604e44828b3330f9b40b29653dc5 | 3               | 1       | 1    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 367  | 6645c75aa225491eea6c83ae7c4b94c9b936604e44828b3330f9b40b29653dc5 | 3               | 3       | 1    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 527  | dmz-duke                                                         | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 541  | dmz-miles                                                        | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1346 | ubuntupt                                                         | 1               | <nil>   | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1440 | 51fa4062f683fcd3deeac510811067c91a8fcb4c942bba9a8619bb24be1b175e | 3               | 1       | 1    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1444 | 51fa4062f683fcd3deeac510811067c91a8fcb4c942bba9a8619bb24be1b175e | 3               | 3       | 1    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1663 | testdb3                                                          | 6               | 2       | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1665 | testdb1                                                          | 6               | 3       | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1785 | c1549a94399b666577d113f163194669dfb5e59291e1c35be856e73a56c8b080 | 6               | 3       | 1    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1786 | c1549a94399b666577d113f163194669dfb5e59291e1c35be856e73a56c8b080 | 6               | 1       | 1    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 1803 | 3851f02f6276f147caf17ffb23fc993a9c4fd789c7122de05fd4be5980b9de97 | 6               | 2       | 1    |             | 1          | 0            |
| 2160 | ubuntu22install                                                  | 6               | 3       | 3    |             | 1          | 1            |
| 2161 | testdb2                                                          | 6               | 3       | 0    |             | 1          | 0            |
root@duke:/tmp# lxd sql global 'select * from images'
| id | fingerprint | filename | size | public | architecture | creation_date | expiry_date | upload_date | cached | last_use_date | auto_update | project_id | type |
root@duke:/tmp# zfs list
NAME                                                                                                  USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
bpool                                                                                                 404M  3.45G       96K  /boot
bpool/BOOT                                                                                            400M  3.45G       96K  none
bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_npo845                                                                              399M  3.45G      164M  /boot
rpool                                                                                                34.1G   159G       96K  /
rpool/ROOT                                                                                           18.2G   159G       96K  none
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845                                                                             18.2G   159G     6.35G  /
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/srv                                                                           96K   159G       96K  /srv
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/usr                                                                         3.35M   159G       96K  /usr
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/usr/local                                                                   3.26M   159G     1.59M  /usr/local
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var                                                                         9.37G   159G       96K  /var
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/games                                                                     96K   159G       96K  /var/games
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/lib                                                                     5.24G   159G     2.82G  /var/lib
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/lib/AccountsService                                                      768K   159G       96K  /var/lib/AccountsService
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/lib/NetworkManager                                                       388K   159G      124K  /var/lib/NetworkManager
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/lib/apt                                                                  155M   159G     84.5M  /var/lib/apt
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/lib/dpkg                                                                 133M   159G     35.6M  /var/lib/dpkg
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/log                                                                     1.68G   159G     1.19G  /var/log
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/mail                                                                     144K   159G      120K  /var/mail
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/snap                                                                    2.43G   159G     18.5M  /var/snap
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/spool                                                                   15.8M   159G     2.95M  /var/spool
rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_npo845/var/www                                                                       96K   159G       96K  /var/www
rpool/USERDATA                                                                                       9.48M   159G       96K  /
rpool/USERDATA/root_a20v0y                                                                           9.39M   159G     6.51M  /root
rpool/lxd_encrypted                                                                                  12.7G   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/containers                                                                       7.64G   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/containers/testdb1                                                               3.73G  16.3G     1.92G  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/containers/testdb2                                                               3.91G  16.1G     1.87G  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/custom                                                                            192K   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/deleted                                                                           362M   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/deleted/containers                                                                192K   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/deleted/custom                                                                    192K   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/deleted/images                                                                    361M   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/deleted/images/aeca0ec3057319cc132a11d5b580206de92a435cc0cd897f07152746d6fc0592   361M   159G      361M  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/deleted/virtual-machines                                                          192K   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/images                                                                            361M   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/images/c1549a94399b666577d113f163194669dfb5e59291e1c35be856e73a56c8b080           361M   159G      361M  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/virtual-machines                                                                 4.39G   159G      192K  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/virtual-machines/ubuntu22install                                                 6.34M  93.7M     6.34M  legacy
rpool/lxd_encrypted/virtual-machines/ubuntu22install.block                                           4.38G   159G     4.38G  -
rpool/lxdpool                                                                                        2.90G   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/containers                                                                               96K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/custom                                                                                   96K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/deleted                                                                                 480K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/deleted/containers                                                                       96K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/deleted/custom                                                                           96K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/deleted/images                                                                           96K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/deleted/virtual-machines                                                                 96K   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/images                                                                                 2.90G   159G       96K  none
rpool/lxdpool/images/51fa4062f683fcd3deeac510811067c91a8fcb4c942bba9a8619bb24be1b175e                 312M   159G      312M  legacy
rpool/lxdpool/images/6645c75aa225491eea6c83ae7c4b94c9b936604e44828b3330f9b40b29653dc5                 112K  95.3M      104K  none
rpool/lxdpool/images/6645c75aa225491eea6c83ae7c4b94c9b936604e44828b3330f9b40b29653dc5.block          2.59G   159G     2.59G  -
rpool/lxdpool/virtual-machines                                                                         96K   159G       96K  none

I’m tempted to delete the offending rows from storage_volumes but I’m afraid this will leave me with a corrupted cluster. Also there still are corresponding zfs datasets.

Any ideas?

Oh well, I went ahead and deleted the orphaned rows from storage_volumes. It seems to have worked.