LXD API is not creating operation

Hello Everyone,
For a project I’m currently working on I want to make a request to create a container from a remote image server. Other operations work fine even with a offical image server. But somehow it doesn’t with my own remote server. This is my curl and the corresponding information:

curl -s -k --cert /home/linuxluca/snap/lxd/common/config/client.crt --key /home/linuxluca/snap/lxd/common/config/client.key https://localhost:8443/1.0/containers -X POST -d ‘{“name”: “testRemote”,“source”: {“type”: “image”, “protocol”: “simplestreams”, “server”: “”, “alias”: “amdImage”}}’ | jq .

“type”: “async”,
“status”: “Operation created”,
“status_code”: 100,
“operation”: “/1.0/operations/86cbbfc3-8817-42bf-a560-8a813f1e1d4b”,
“error_code”: 0,
“error”: “”,
“metadata”: {
“id”: “86cbbfc3-8817-42bf-a560-8a813f1e1d4b”,
“class”: “task”,
“description”: “Creating instance”,
“created_at”: “2022-11-21T15:30:57.817928941+01:00”,
“updated_at”: “2022-11-21T15:30:57.817928941+01:00”,
“status”: “Running”,
“status_code”: 103,
“resources”: {
“containers”: [
“instances”: [
“metadata”: null,
“may_cancel”: false,
“err”: “”,
“location”: “none”

Everything seems fine here but if I check the operation all I get is this:

curl -s -k --cert /home/linuxluca/snap/lxd/common/config/client.crt --key /home/linuxluca/snap/lxd/common/config/client.key https://localhost:8443/1.0/operations/86cbbfc3-8817-42bf-a560-8a813f1e1d4b | jq .

“type”: “error”,
“status”: “”,
“status_code”: 0,
“operation”: “”,
“error_code”: 404,
“error”: “Operation not found”,
“metadata”: null

Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong? When I’m just doing ‘lxc launch remote:amdImage testRemote’ it works but I need it to work with the API. Also I verified the connection and that the image is found as well.

Thank you.

Operations only hang around for 5s after they complete, so you have to be quick.

Thank you for your reply. I tried again and called 1.0/operations directly after and they show up under the tag failure, like below.

“type”: “sync”,
“status”: “Success”,
“status_code”: 200,
“operation”: “”,
“error_code”: 0,
“error”: “”,
“metadata”: {
“failure”: [
“running”: [

Can you tell me a way I can see what caused the failure? Is the curl command correct?

I added the --verbose flag to the command, thats the output:

  • Trying…
  • Connected to localhost ( port 8443 (#0)
  • ALPN, offering h2
  • ALPN, offering http/1.1
  • TLSv1.0 (OUT), TLS header, Certificate Status (22):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Certificate Status (22):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Finished (20):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Request CERT (13):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Finished (20):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
  • SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
  • ALPN, server accepted to use h2
  • Server certificate:
  • subject: O=linuxcontainers.org; CN=root@linuxluca
  • start date: Nov 1 11:22:02 2022 GMT
  • expire date: Oct 29 11:22:02 2032 GMT
  • issuer: O=linuxcontainers.org; CN=root@linuxluca
  • SSL certificate verify result: self-signed certificate (18), continuing anyway.
  • Using HTTP2, server supports multiplexing
  • Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed)
  • Copying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=0
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • Using Stream ID: 1 (easy handle 0x5610d33b5e80)
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):

POST /1.0/containers HTTP/2
Host: localhost:8443
user-agent: curl/7.81.0
accept: /
content-length: 141
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • We are completely uploaded and fine
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 250)!
  • TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
    < HTTP/2 202
    < content-type: application/json
    < location: /1.0/operations/5e13a660-9987-4c60-b471-ea94ef04e031
    < content-length: 562
    < date: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 16:17:03 GMT
  • TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS header, Supplemental data (23):
    {“type”:“async”,“status”:“Operation created”,“status_code”:100,“operation”:“/1.0/operations/5e13a660-9987-4c60-b471-ea94ef04e031”,“error_code”:0,“error”:“”,“metadata”:{“id”:“5e13a660-9987-4c60-b471-ea94ef04e031”,“class”:“task”,“description”:“Creating instance”,“created_at”:“2022-11-21T17:17:03.42970123+01:00”,“updated_at”:“2022-11-21T17:17:03.42970123+01:00”,“status”:“Running”,“status_code”:103,“resources”:{“containers”:[“/1.0/containers/testRemote”],“instances”:[“/1.0/instances/testRemote”]},“metadata”:null,“may_cancel”:false,“err”:“”,“location”:“none”}}
  • Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

If you request the failed operation, e.g /1.0/operations/31399c37-18f4-41b6-861b-b2f2920d53ce it should show the issue.

Seems I’m not fast enough to do that. I tried something else. Maybe that has something to do with it?

I just do simple import of a specific image over https. Thats the result:

lxc image import --alias tes1

Error: Head “”: x509: certificate is valid for, ::1, not

Could that be something why the curl command is failing?

Please can you post your reproducer script here so I can run it and see what the issue is.

I’m just trying to create a container on my host machine with an image on a private remote lxd server using a curl command. Not using any script, just the :
“curl -s -k --cert “certificate” --key “key” localhost -X POST -d {}”
I know I could just do a image copy but I’m trying to implement a JavaAPI (Jlxd) that is using curl commands.