LXD demo server Issues


Looking over the installation found on GitHub and following the snap install, all works well up until I click I have accepted and read the terms of service, after clicking it fails to create a container and lets me know " Unable to create a new container

An unknown error occured. Please try again in a few minutes."

any help?

I have tried to purge lxd and lxd-client before installation and still no luck. Now it just keeps spinning instead of giving me an error.

EDITED:***Waited a little longer and it seemed to have fixed and launched the container. ****

Solution: Purge lxd and lxd-client before installing with snap

apt remove --purge lxd lxd-client
snap install lxd
lxd init
snap install lxd-demo-server
snap connect lxd-demo-server:lxd lxd:lxd