+ snap install lxd
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run configure hook of "lxd" snap if present (run hook "configure":
cat: /proc/self/attr/current: Permission denied
/snap/lxd/23680/snap/hooks/configure: 5: exec: aa-exec: Permission denied
The environment setup is brief. We apply the following steps to a stock ubuntu image:
apt-get install -y snapd
snap install snapd
snap wait system seed.loaded
if [ "$SPREAD_SYSTEM" = "ubuntu-18.04-64" ] || [ "$SPREAD_SYSTEM" = "ubuntu-20.04-64" ]; then
# Remove lxd and lxd-client deb packages as our implementation (pylxd) does not
# nicely handle the snap and deb being installed at the same time.
apt-get remove --purge --yes lxd lxd-client
# Install and setup the lxd snap
snap install lxd
# Add the ubuntu user to the lxd group.
adduser ubuntu lxd
lxd init --auto
The biggest mystery for us is the inconsistency. LXD installs fine most of the time. Maybe 10-15% of the time, it fails with this error.
I’m not sure when this started (github logs expire quickly), but it has certainly been occurring more often in the last 2-3 weeks.
Any help or advice? Or is this more of a snapd issue?
Thanks for the link. I tried the 3 primary suggestions in that thread:
Running snap interfaces (now snap connections)
This was suggested to check if the LXD snap is connected to lxd-support interface.
This displays nothing, because the LXD snap is not installed yet.
Running snap install core20 and snap revert core20
This gives the error:
+ snap revert core20
error: cannot revert "core20": no revision to revert to
Running snap install core20 and snap refresh core20
This still produces the same exec: aa-exec: Permission denied error.
I’ve captured the journal of a failure, with the failing section here:
And the failure rate for these steps is very low - less than 1% of the time. In our github workflow, we run ~350 spread tests, so the failure of the overall work flow is around 10-15% (although some weeks it has been closer to 50%).