LXD source to Incus destination


is there working way of migrating (current) LXD server to (new) Incus instance ? Or is only way to do this is to migrate LXD to LXD and than switch that LXD to Incus ?

The migration would work from the existing LXD installation to a new Incus installation, on the same server. Do you want to move from one server to another while migrating at the same time?

Exactly. This is ‘live’ system and timeframe needs to be agreed with clients. So I do not really have much time doing both and possibly something failing. So I can ‘pre-migrate’ (call it initial sync), but I need way to ‘feed’ LXD containers to Incus

Do you have a requirement to move to a new server, a requirement unrelated to the migration;

I think it makes sense to perform the move first, then perform the migration.
For the part of the migration, it would be good to perform a mock migration and see

  1. How long it takes, so that you can inform about the downtime duration.
  2. Whether a container has some feature that might make the migration fail.


Yeah, migration needs to happen no matter what. And that is when I think good idea is to move LXD to Incus too…

I will try an move 2-3 containers and test how much does it take to do migration. If it takes too much time or it fails for some reason I will have to go LXD way again.

You should be able to add the existing LXD server with incus remote add or the other way around, and then transfer instances using lxc or incus commands line copy or move.

This isn’t 100% fool proof as instances using any of the features we removed will fail to transfer and you also need to use token based authentication to add the remote as the other authentication methods aren’t compatible between the two, but still, it should be doable for what you’re trying to do.

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So I could do:

  • install Incus on new server
  • add current LXD server as remote
  • incus copy remote:cont1 cont1

… or something like that ?

I do not have anything ‘fancy’ just simple container with 1x local IPv4 and 1x public IPv6

Yep, exactly.