Lxd-to-incus fails due to unavailable storage pools - due to Some supported features are not enabled on the pool

I ran lxd-to-incus
It completed, but incus wouldn’t start afterwards


=> Looking for source server
==> Detected: snap package
=> Looking for target server
==> Detected: systemd
=> Connecting to source server
=> Connecting to the target server
=> Checking server versions
==> Source version: 4.0.9
==> Target version: 6.1
=> Validating version compatibility
=> Checking that the source server isn’t empty
=> Checking that the target server is empty
=> Validating source server configuration

The migration is now ready to proceed.
At this point, the source server and all its instances will be stopped.
Instances will come back online once the migration is complete.
Proceed with the migration? [default=no]: yes
=> Stopping the source server
=> Stopping the target server
=> Wiping the target server
=> Migrating the data
=> Migrating database
=> Writing database patch
=> Cleaning up target paths
=> Starting the target server

Error: Failed to start the target server: Failed to run: systemctl start incus.service incus.socket: exit status 1 (Job for incus.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status incus.service” and “journalctl -xeu incus.service” for details.)

ls -l /var/lxd_containers_*

-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 100000000000 May 19 08:10 /var/lxd_containers_1
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 100000000000 May 19 08:10 /var/lxd_containers_2
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 100000000000 May 19 08:10 /var/lxd_containers_3
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 100000000000 May 19 08:10 /var/lxd_containers_4
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 100000000000 May 19 08:10 /var/lxd_containers_5
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 100000000000 May 19 08:10 /var/lxd_containers_ubuntu2004

zpool list

centos7_1 27.5G 1.01M 27.5G - - 0% 0% 1.00x ONLINE -
default 27.5G 5.95M 27.5G - - 18% 0% 1.00x ONLINE -
lxd_artefacts 2.17T 1.98T 197G - - 30% 91% 1.00x ONLINE -

This is similar to

However, this is where things go a bit different

zpool import -d /var/lxd_containers_1

pool: lxd_containers_1
id: 12048709841285562579
state: ONLINE
status: Some supported features are not enabled on the pool.
(Note that they may be intentionally disabled if the
‘compatibility’ property is set.)
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier, though
some features will not be available without an explicit ‘zpool upgrade’.

lxd_containers_1 ONLINE
/var/lxd_containers_1 ONLINE

I’ve managed to resolve the issue
Running this imported the zpool
zpool import -d /var/lxd_containers_1 12048709841285562579

It would have been interesting to see the output of those commands.

I think this is the output from earlier of the systemctl status, although I don’t think I have the full width of the output. I didn’t run the journalctl command.

● incus.service - Incus - Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/incus.service; indirect; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (start-post) (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2024-05-19 08:20:42 UTC; 6min ago
TriggeredBy: ● incus.socket
    Process: 83357 ExecStart=/opt/incus/lib/systemd/incusd --group incus-admin $INCUS_OPTS --logfile /var/log/incus/incusd.log (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 83357 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE); Control PID: 83358 (incusd)
      Tasks: 24
     Memory: 21.6M
     CGroup: /system.slice/incus.service
               └─83358 incusd waitready --timeout=600

May 19 08:20:42 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:42Z" level=warning msg=" - Couldn't find the CGroup blkio.weight, disk priority will be ignored"
May 19 08:20:44 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:44Z" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Failed to run: zpool import lxd_containers_1: exit s>
May 19 08:20:44 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:44Z" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Failed to run: zpool import lxd_containers_2: exit s>
May 19 08:20:44 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:44Z" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Failed to run: zpool import lxd_containers_3: exit s>
May 19 08:20:45 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:45Z" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Failed to run: zpool import lxd_containers_4: exit s>
May 19 08:20:45 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:45Z" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Failed to run: zpool import lxd_containers_5: exit s>
May 19 08:20:45 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:45Z" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Failed to run: zpool import lxd_containers_ubuntu200>
May 19 08:20:46 git-host2 incusd[83357]: time="2024-05-19T08:20:46Z" level=error msg="Failed to start the daemon" err="Failed applying patch \"storage_missing_snapshot_recor>
May 19 08:20:46 git-host2 incusd[83357]: Error: Failed applying patch "storage_missing_snapshot_records": Unvailable storage pools: [lxd_containers_1 lxd_containers_2 lxd_co>
May 19 08:20:46 git-host2 systemd[1]: incus.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE