Lxd tries to mount dir storage-pool

Using lxd 4.0.1 from snap on ubuntu 18.04, some storage-pools are on zfs, one is using driver=dir. everything worked fine but now lxd fails with the error:
DBUG[04-30|21:50:54] Initializing and checking storage pool “vapourapps”
DBUG[04-30|21:50:54] Mount started driver=dir pool=vapourapps
DBUG[04-30|21:51:04] Mount finished driver=dir pool=vapourapps
EROR[04-30|21:51:04] Failed to start the daemon: Failed initializing storage pool “vapourapps”: Failed to mount ‘/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/common/lxd/storage-pools//vapourapps/’ on ‘/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/vapourapps’: no such file or directory

Check if it still exists.
And also post the file permissions:
ls -l /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/

What does:
lxc storage list

Hmm, the error is quite confusing because of the hostfs part in there…

Check what @toby63 said and if it exists and contains stuff there, we can do a quick DB mod to fix it.