LXD & unified_cgroup_hierarchy

I have enabled systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1 boot option.
LXC unprivileged containers work just fine (at least getting started:) , but LXD server prints following error

Couldn’t find the CGroup blkio, I/O limits will be ignored.
Couldn’t find the CGroup CPU controller, CPU time limits will be ignored.
Couldn’t find the CGroup CPUacct controller, CPU accounting will not be available.
Couldn’t find the CGroup CPUset controller, CPU pinning will be ignored.
Couldn’t find the CGroup devices controller, device access control won’t work.
Couldn’t find the CGroup freezer controller, pausing/resuming containers won’t work.
Couldn’t find the CGroup memory controller, memory limits will be ignored.
Couldn’t find the CGroup network class controller, network limits will be ignored.
Couldn’t find the CGroup pids controller, process limits will be ignored.
CGroup memory swap accounting is disabled, swap limits will be ignored.

Yep, that’s expected, LXD does work in cgroupv2-only environments but cgroup2 limits aren’t supported yet.
We are still yet to do the painful process of mapping equivalents for all the features we use.