When I connect my laptop to a docking station, I get the following error when attempting to start any container:
Error: Common start logic: Failed to start device ‘/dev/snd/hwC0D0’: The required device path doesn’t exist and the major and minor settings are not specified
I’m no expert on how the sound works, but it appears that the sound card changes when connected to the dock so the dock becomes card 0 and the laptop card 1. I did a lot of searching and I believe it’s normal that /dev/snd/hwC0D0 does not exist when it’s an HDMI connection, but LXD seems to require it. The file /dev/snd/hwC1D0 does exist.
Is there any way to get around this problem? Even blacklisting the device or disabling sound if necessary? The sound on the host works fine, including the sound on the laptop and the sound through the HDMI connection.