Missing driver during windows install

Many thanks for the quick fix. Windows 11 now installs in LXD. So confirmed that this is fixed.

I now have the issue that some of the device drivers appear to be missing, including for the virtual network card. I will open another forum post for this though.

Edit: the latter was fixed by manually loading the virtio driver ISO and running the installer from that.

Also works from my end. Many thanks!
Is it possible that the distrobuilder tool also adds other missing drivers?

I believe @tomp mentioned something about 5.16 having a regression which causes the ISO to not be passed as a cdrom, causing that issue. I believe they’ve merged a fix since which will be in 5.17 but that maybe you can get your distro to cherry-pick earlier.

(Also, usual reminder that LXD is no longer part of LinuxContainers and that LXD support is done through the Ubuntu forum now)

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Yes, LXD 5.16 tarball release had an issue with Windows ISO files not being recognised by Windows.
This is fixed in latest/candidate snap channel and will be fixed in LXD 5.17 tarball release.