Monitoring/Graph from LXD host

Yes Grafana and Graphite are running in a container. Those are not doing monitoring but only collecting and displaying the metrics received from netdata. Netdata must be running on the host (and send the metrics to the graphite collector) or it won’t have access to get all the metrics (harddisks, cpu usage of whole host, lxd cgroups, etc)

systemd-cgtop provides an excellent overview from the command-line, and it can be set to a ridiculous update rate (tried every 20ms) and shows both info about individual processes within a container as well as the container as a whole.

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Is this possible to sent statistics from each lxc container to Grafana using influxDB?? I can not find solutions :frowning:

How would this be done with the snap version of lxd?

The unix socket is here /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket in the snap package.