Move error in containers

Hi, I have an error when I try to move an instance from one cluster node to another cluster node, so I get this error:

Error: Migration operation failure: Failed requesting instance create on destination: Failed getting exclusive access to instance: Instance is running

All containers are in the same storage with ceph driver.

It’s a long error message. The very end of it has the most important information.

It says the image is running, Which means that you are trying to perform a live migration. You would need to stop first before moving it.

Hi, please watch the screenshot that I posted. In it can you see the container is stopped.

It’s possible that the container isn’t quite fully stopped due to a kernel bug.

You may want to look at ps fauxww and look for anything resembling a leftover of that container, of particular note anything that’s stuck (D or Z state).

thanks, to replicate the error have to down the port in switch that it’s had connected one cluster node with instances running, move the instances in error to online nodes, recover the node down, and finaly try to move instance to recovered node. With that context how can “clean” the node recovered using incus API?