Moving instances between projects with cluster groups

I currently have projects set up to be restricted to cluster groups as follows.

victoitor@bastion:~$ incus project show dedicado
  features.images: "true"
  features.profiles: "true" "true" "true"
  limits.instances: "3"
  restricted: "true"
  restricted.backups: allow
  restricted.cluster.groups: dedicado allow
  restricted.containers.lowlevel: allow
  restricted.containers.nesting: allow
  restricted.devices.nic: allow
  restricted.snapshots: allow
description: Experimentos - máquinas dedicadas
name: dedicado
victoitor@bastion:~$ incus project show aux
  features.images: "true"
  features.profiles: "true" "true" "true"
  restricted: "true"
  restricted.backups: allow
  restricted.cluster.groups: compartilhado allow
  restricted.containers.lowlevel: allow
  restricted.containers.nesting: allow
  restricted.devices.nic: allow
  restricted.snapshots: allow
description: Containers com baixo recurso
name: aux

So project aux is restricted to compartilhado machines and project dedicado is restricted to dedicado machines.

When I’m in the dedicado project and I copy an instance to the aux project, it is moved into an appropriate cluster node.

victoitor@bastion:~$ incus copy robertty-exp2 robertty-exp2 --target-project aux
victoitor@bastion:~$ incus list robertty-exp2 --project aux
|     NAME      |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |    LOCATION     |
| robertty-exp2 | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | compartilhado01 |

The issue is that when it’s moved, it is maintained in the same cluster node which is invalid for the project.

victoitor@bastion:~$ incus move robertty-exp2 robertty-exp3 --target-project aux
victoitor@bastion:~$ incus list robertty-exp --project aux
|     NAME      |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |    LOCATION     |
| robertty-exp  | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | compartilhado03 |
| robertty-exp2 | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | compartilhado01 |
| robertty-exp3 | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | dedicado03      |

This is already a problem. There’s another issue that if I try to fix it with --target, it mentions it’s not allowed to be used together with --target-project.

victoitor@bastion:~$ incus move robertty-exp3 robertty-exp3 --target-project dedicado --project aux
victoitor@bastion:~$ incus list robertty-exp
|     NAME      |  STATE  | IPV4 | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |  LOCATION  |
| robertty-exp3 | STOPPED |      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | dedicado03 |
victoitor@bastion:~$ incus move robertty-exp3 robertty-exp3 --target-project aux --target @compartilhado
Error: The --target-project flag can't be used with --target

Is this the expected behaviour?

Nope, they both sound like bugs.

Can you file two separate issues at Issues · lxc/incus · GitHub one for the fact that the restriction isn’t being respected during the initial copy/move and the other about the CLI not allowing --target?

Done and done.