Multiple websites in Incus containers + LAN security

My goal is to host several small Picolisp websites on-prem. I have fiber internet, a static IP, and domain names. And, I can port-forward through my Verizon FIOS router. My understanding is that the web servers should be isolated from the rest of my LAN.


Can I and, if so, how can I configure container network to securely isolate the rest of the LAN from exposure to the wild web without placing them in an external DMZ or VLAN?

I’ve studied LXD/Incus documentation; installed LXD (plan to replace
with Incus) and have worked through many tutorials. But, still, my ambitions exceed my know how.

Any and all tips welcomed.

Many thanks,



You can create a network ACL with incus network acl and then assign it to your network with incus network set NAME security.acls=ACLNAME so you can restrict exactly what your instances can connect to.

Many thanks Stéphane.

Just looked at ACL docs. Looks complicated, but I’ll experiment.

All the best,


It’s not particularly complicated, you can probably do something like:

incus network acl create default
incus network acl rule add default ingress action=allow state=enabled
incus network acl rule add default egress action=allow state=enabled
incus network acl rule add default egress action=reject destination= state=enabled
incus network acl rule add default egress action=reject destination= state=enabled
incus network acl rule add default egress action=reject destination= state=enabled
incus network set default security.acls=default

This would act like our normal networking except that instances will not be allowed access to any RFC1918 subnets (usual LAN subnets).