No networking on my lxc/lxd containers after updating to 5.10 kernel

Hi all,

I’m running into a mix of issues after changing kernels in my Manjaro box.

First, every time I run anything lxc related, I get this warning (which AFAIK shouldn’t happen, as it requires 5.12):

WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial confinement

The most important bit is that I no longer have network connectivity inside my containers:

❯ lxc network list
WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial confinement
|      NAME       |   TYPE   | MANAGED |      IPV4      |           IPV6            | DESCRIPTION | USED BY |
| br-f570df43cbe0 | bridge   | NO      |                |                           |             | 0       |
| docker0         | bridge   | NO      |                |                           |             | 0       |
| enp3s0          | physical | NO      |                |                           |             | 0       |
| lxdbr0          | bridge   | YES     | | fd42:773c:f259:281f::1/64 |             | 3       |
| virbr0          | bridge   | NO      |                |                           |             | 0       |
| wlp4s0          | physical | NO      |                |                           |             | 0       |

No IPv4 leases are active on any container:

❯ lxc list
WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial confinement
| NAME  |  STATE  | IPV4 |                     IPV6                      |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS |
| bash  | RUNNING |      | fd42:773c:f259:281f:216:3eff:fe8d:ed00 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0         |
| krita | RUNNING |      | fd42:773c:f259:281f:216:3eff:fe78:166a (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0         |

I’m running the Snap edge version of lxd, and I’ve restarted the daemon via systemd just in case.
I’ve also checked and fixed the dnsmasq daemon misconfiguration detailed [here]>(No networking in containers, missing dnsmasq? snap on debian - #3 by rantoie).

I’ve also noticed that my containers can’t be stopped or otherwise restarted, I get this error:

root@bash:~# sudo halt
sudo: unable to resolve host bash: Connection refused
Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
Failed to talk to init daemon.

Is there any way I can fix it?