OSX/MacOS/Darwin in an Incus VM?

Has anyone managed to fire up a OSX/MacOS/Darwin VM under Incus?
If so a quick pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


Incus uses KVM+QEMU for the hardware virtualization. There are some differences between the two. In Incus, KVM is used as the hypervisor and QEMU as the emulator. If you read the article, there are also several other combinations between the two (but are not used in Incus).

To make it easier to boot Windows ISOs (Desktop and Server) in a VM on Incus, distrobuilder has been adapted to repack the Windows ISOs so that drivers and other essential programs are preinstalled in there. With this tool, you create a new adapted ISO that you then use with Incus.

As far as I know, there is no such repacking for OSX/MacOS ISOs. This means that it may require some extra manual steps from you for now.

It is possible to run OSX/MacOS on KVM+QEMU directly, such as through this guide. As a first step, I would suggest to work through such guides, then try to adapt for Incus. When you launch the VM using QEMU, there is this long qemu command line with many parameters. You can set such parameters in Incus as well. It might help you if you read my detailed blog post for Incus+Windows VM.

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