Possible issue between incus OVN and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS?

I followed the incus instructions page to setup the OVN, but when I try to create the OVN network with the command: incus network create ovntest --type=ovn network=<parent_network> , with the appropriate parent interface, I receive this message: Error: Failed loading network: OVN isn’t currently available

This is a physical server, but I tried also with a Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS virtual machine in other server and I was able to create a OVN network.

PS: I followed also the incus webpage for installation in Ubuntu 24 and 22.
Thank you.

If OVN was installed after Incus, it may be worth trying systemctl restart incus to see if that sorts it out?

Hello, I rebooted the server several times, but still had the same error (should this be the same as restarting the incus service I think). On ubuntu 22 I don’t have to restart the incus service. Would you like to share some output of any logs?

I’m not sure about this issue, if is because I have 4 physical network interfaces. I installed Ubuntu 22 in my physical server, and I received the same message when I was trying to create a new OVN network. But after doing the command: systemctl restart incus I was able to create the network.
However, once I rebooted my server (I don’t have a display connected to it), my server took so long to boot that I just powered off and connected a display to understand why iss tooking too long to boot.
With all network cables disconnected the server boot succesfully and I configured in netplan all the interfaces with dhcp: false and one interface with static IP.
With this I was able to boot quicker and incus works fine.

And when on the broken system, ovn-nbctl show works properly?

If not configured otherwise (through incus config set), Incus will connect to OVN through the local socket at /var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.sock

I’m not sure, I apologize but already “formatted” my machine with Ubuntu 22 and I can’t test it anymore.

Good evening,
I tried to install OVN in an Ubuntu 24.04 Incus virtual machine without success:

incus config show testvm

architecture: x86_64
image.architecture: amd64
image.description: Ubuntu noble amd64 (20240725_07:42)
image.os: Ubuntu
image.release: noble
image.requirements.cgroup: v2
image.serial: “20240725_07:42”
image.type: disk-kvm.img
image.variant: cloud
limits.cpu: “2”
limits.memory: 4GiB
volatile.base_image: e7009a0c173193e4cd7c9bc85cdb5557214ce9c9ffebe36daaf49f70db98cfdd
volatile.cloud-init.instance-id: 21591bbe-9acb-490d-9857-6016c531c6d2
volatile.eth0.host_name: tapf85f1d2d
volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:18:a6:9d
volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
volatile.last_state.ready: “false”
volatile.uuid: 213bd0c5-fb60-4e81-adae-228865b36e29
volatile.uuid.generation: 213bd0c5-fb60-4e81-adae-228865b36e29
volatile.vsock_id: “1699190578”
devices: {}
ephemeral: false

  • default
    stateful: false
    description: “”
ip -br address show

root@testvm:~#ip -br a s
lo UNKNOWN ::1/128
enp5s0 UP metric 100 fd42:c84d:c751:e196:216:3eff:fe18:a69d/64 fe80::216:3eff:fe18:a69d/64
ovs-system DOWN
br-int DOWN
incusbr0 DOWN fd42:15dd:ff8b:60a::1/64

incus network show incusbr0

ipv4.nat: “true”
ipv6.address: fd42:15dd:ff8b:60a::1/64
ipv6.nat: “true”
description: “”
name: incusbr0
type: bridge

  • /1.0/profiles/default
    managed: true
    status: Created
  • none
systemctl list-units ovn-*

ovn-central.service loaded active exited Open Virtual Network central components
ovn-controller.service loaded active running Open Virtual Network host control daemon
ovn-host.service loaded active exited Open Virtual Network host components
ovn-northd.service loaded active running Open Virtual Network central control daemon
ovn-ovsdb-server-nb.service loaded active running Open vSwitch database server for OVN Northbound database
ovn-ovsdb-server-sb.service loaded active running Open vSwitch database server for OVN Southbound database

root@testvm:~# ovn-nbctl show

root@testvm:~# incus network create ovntest --type=ovn network=incusbr0
Error: Failed loading network: OVN isn’t currently available

Try systemctl restart incus. It’s likely that OVN wasn’t reachable at the time Incus started.

Bonsoir Stéphane,
Merci d’avoir répondu si vite.

I’m afraid it didn’t work.

root@testvm:~# systemctl restart incus

systemctl status incus --no-pager

root@testvm:~# systemctl status incus --no-pager
● incus.service - Incus - Main daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/incus.service; indirect; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-07-26 23:10:59 UTC; 9s ago
TriggeredBy: ● incus.socket
Docs: man:incusd(1)
Process: 3139 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/incus/incus-apparmor-load (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 3144 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/log/incus/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 3147 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R root:incus-admin /var/log/incus/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 3150 ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/incus admin waitready --timeout=600 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 3149 (incusd)
Tasks: 18
Memory: 33.1M (peak: 38.8M)
CPU: 675ms
CGroup: /system.slice/incus.service
├─3149 /usr/libexec/incus/incusd --group incus-admin --logfile=/var/log/incus/incus.log
└─3194 dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground --strict-order --bind-interfaces --except-interface=lo --pid-file= --no-ping -…

Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq-dhcp[3194]: DHCPv4-derived IPv6 names on fd42:15dd:ff8b:60a::, constructed for incusbr0
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq-dhcp[3194]: router advertisement on fd42:15dd:ff8b:60a::, constructed for incusbr0
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq-dhcp[3194]: IPv6 router advertisement enabled
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq-dhcp[3194]: DHCP, sockets bound exclusively to interface incusbr0
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq[3194]: using only locally-known addresses for incus
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq[3194]: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq[3194]: using nameserver
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq[3194]: using only locally-known addresses for incus
Jul 26 23:10:58 testvm dnsmasq[3194]: read /etc/hosts - 7 names
Jul 26 23:10:59 testvm systemd[1]: Started incus.service - Incus - Main daemon.

root@testvm:~# incus network create ovntest --type=ovn network=incusbr0
Error: Failed loading network: OVN isn’t currently available

Logs ?


2024-07-26T20:31:17.471Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/ovn/ovn-controller.log
2024-07-26T20:31:17.480Z|00002|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:17.480Z|00003|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:17.489Z|00004|main|INFO|OVN internal version is : [24.03.2-20.33.0-72.6]
2024-07-26T20:31:17.489Z|00005|main|INFO|OVS IDL reconnected, force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:17.489Z|00006|main|INFO|OVNSB IDL reconnected, force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:51.706Z|00007|memory|INFO|8200 kB peak resident set size after 34.2 seconds
2024-07-26T20:31:51.706Z|00009|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.sock: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:51.706Z|00010|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.sock: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00011|features|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting to switch
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00012|rconn|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00013|features|INFO|OVS Feature: ct_zero_snat, state: supported
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00014|features|INFO|OVS Feature: ct_flush, state: supported
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00015|features|INFO|OVS Feature: dp_hash_l4_sym_support, state: supported
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00016|main|INFO|OVS feature set changed, force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00017|ofctrl|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting to switch
2024-07-26T20:31:51.711Z|00018|rconn|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:51.713Z|00019|rconn|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:51.713Z|00020|rconn|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:51.713Z|00021|main|INFO|OVS OpenFlow connection reconnected,force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:51.714Z|00022|main|INFO|OVS feature set changed, force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:51.714Z|00001|pinctrl(ovn_pinctrl1)|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting to switch
2024-07-26T20:31:51.714Z|00002|rconn(ovn_pinctrl1)|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:51.715Z|00001|statctrl(ovn_statctrl0)|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting to switch
2024-07-26T20:31:51.715Z|00002|rconn(ovn_statctrl0)|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:51.715Z|00003|rconn(ovn_pinctrl1)|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:51.715Z|00003|rconn(ovn_statctrl0)|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/br-int.mgmt: connected


2024-07-26T20:31:13.801Z|00002|ovn_northd|INFO|OVN internal version is : [24.03.2-20.33.0-72.6]
2024-07-26T20:31:13.804Z|00003|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.sock: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:13.804Z|00004|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.sock: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:13.804Z|00005|ovn_northd|INFO|OVN NB IDL reconnected, force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:13.805Z|00006|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.sock: connecting…
2024-07-26T20:31:13.805Z|00007|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.sock: connected
2024-07-26T20:31:13.805Z|00008|ovn_northd|INFO|OVN SB IDL reconnected, force recompute.
2024-07-26T20:31:13.812Z|00009|ovn_northd|INFO|ovn-northd lock acquired. This ovn-northd instance is now active.
2024-07-26T20:31:13.824Z|00010|memory_trim|INFO|Detected inactivity (last active 0 ms ago): trimming memory
2024-07-26T20:31:43.859Z|00011|memory|INFO|7212 kB peak resident set size after 30.1 seconds
2024-07-26T20:31:43.859Z|00012|memory|INFO|idl-cells-OVN_Northbound:12 idl-cells-OVN_Southbound:185
2024-07-26T20:31:43.859Z|00013|memory_trim|INFO|Detected inactivity (last active 30030 ms ago): trimming memory
2024-07-26T20:32:21.722Z|00014|memory_trim|INFO|Detected inactivity (last active 30009 ms ago): trimming memory


2024-07-26T20:31:12.679Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/ovn/ovsdb-server-nb.log
2024-07-26T20:31:12.687Z|00002|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server (Open vSwitch) 3.3.0
2024-07-26T20:31:22.697Z|00003|memory|INFO|13004 kB peak resident set size after 10.0 seconds
2024-07-26T20:31:22.697Z|00004|memory|INFO|atoms:32 cells:34 json-caches:1 monitors:2 n-weak-refs:0 sessions:1


2024-07-26T20:31:12.049Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/ovn/ovsdb-server-sb.log
2024-07-26T20:31:12.062Z|00002|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server (Open vSwitch) 3.3.0
2024-07-26T20:31:22.072Z|00003|memory|INFO|13004 kB peak resident set size after 10.0 seconds
2024-07-26T20:31:22.072Z|00004|memory|INFO|atoms:369 cells:321 json-caches:1 monitors:2 n-weak-refs:10 sessions:1

All three of the usual commands:

  • ovs-vsctl show
  • ovn-nbctl show
  • ovn-sbctl show

Work as expected?

ovs-vsctl show

root@testvm:~# ovs-vsctl show
Bridge br-int
fail_mode: secure
datapath_type: system
Port br-int
Interface br-int
type: internal
ovs_version: “3.3.0”

ovn-nbctl show

root@testvm:~# ovn-nbctl show
output : nothing

ovn-sbctl show

root@testvm:~# ovn-sbctl show
Chassis “e242612d-57f4-4682-b996-510b24f6c94b”
hostname: testvm
Encap geneve
ip: “”
options: {csum=“true”}

It’s been solved.

I simply installed the package from the zabbly repository (incus 6.3) instead of the one available in Ubuntu noble (incus 6.0)

Incus packages for Ubuntu Noble

I’m sorry,
Lesson learned.

Encore merci.