Problem removing bridge

[AMD Official Use Only]

I see this.

truncate -s 1G /var/lib/lxd/disks/

If you don’t mind losing your instances and images I would suggest starting afresh with:

  1. Disable LXD on start
  2. Reboot the machine (ensures all mounts and networks are cleaned up)
  3. rm -rvf /var/lib/lxd
  4. Start LXD again and enable on boot
  5. sudo lxd init - run through configuring LXD which will create a storage pool for use with all of your instances (not just one of them).

[AMD Official Use Only]

This is a terrible solution to dump containers.

Ok, so I did your list below. I reinstalled lxd. I have a release server regenerated from a backup I had done just a few days ago. But… the network connection is not working.

#this is the command issued

lxc config device add ubuntu-vm-REL myport80 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:

Device myport80 added to ubuntu-vm-REL

Then I go into the container and I have python 3.

Python -m http.server 8002

This site can’t be reached.

asl@ASL-PC:~$ lxc config device add ubuntu-vm-REL myport8002 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:

Device myport8002 added to ubuntu-vm-REL

asl@ASL-PC:~$ lxc config device show ubuntu-vm-REL


connect: tcp:

listen: tcp:

type: proxy


This worked in the past. Not sure why it’s not now. I don’t have any conflicting ports or containers setup at this point. This has worked in the past I thought.



Ok, got network working. 2 servers restored. One to go. I had a backup from lxc export

Now on backups…working off of instructions here.

See this error

asl@ASL-PC:~/backups/ubuntu-vm $ lxc import

Error: unknown command “import” for “lxc”

Run ‘lxc --help’ for usage.

There is no lxc import???




That suggests you’re on LXD 3.0.x or something. What does lxc version show you?