Problems to run podman containers inside LXD container

So, I understand the scenario I’m going to describe is a bit convoluted, but for reasons regarding my CI/CD infrastructure, I’m currently in a situation where I want to build and run podman images inside LXD containers.
I’m not trying to use podman on rootless mode, so every podman command is ran as sudo.

But when running a fresh LXD container using the base image images:centos/8-Stream, I install podman and try pulling the podman image, and this pull fails with a pretty generic error message.

I am aware of this fix/workaround:

  • Editing the file at /etc/containers/storage.conf and uncommenting this line:
mount_program = "/usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs"

But at this point, I just wanted to understand a little better why this is happening, since I’m not trying to use podman in rootless mode, which is one of the main reasons I believe should cause such issue.

On top of that, I am able to pull and work just fine with some newer podman images, such as and

I understand from this post that from kernel 5.13 onwards podman is getting rootless overlay support, and since I still have to support some legacy servers running CentOS Stream 8 I am pseudo-locked to kernel 4.18. But even then, shouldn’t this kernel 5.13 support be related only to podman on rootless mode? Why am I getting such problems even running it with sudo? Can anyone shed some light on the situation for me?

Also, please let me know if any more info is needed.

I really apreciate any help!

Steps to reproduce

  1. Boot up a new machine or vm running CentOS Stream 8
  2. Launch a fresh LXD container using the images:centos/8-Stream base image:
lxc launch images:centos/8-Stream testcontainer
  1. From inside the LXD container, simply install podman and try pulling the image:
lxc exec testcontainer -- bash
dnf update -y && dnf install podman -y
podman pull
  1. You should get an output like this:
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob a0b8f3931ffa skipped: already exists  
Copying blob 04f0eb705bff done  
Copying blob 4a7e61ebcfec done  
Copying blob 1ac891d08dc2 done  
Error: writing blob: adding layer with blob "sha256:04f0eb705bffc1db22f04bd42987ebb9d5e40c08c0253d0c2a56881c75bc6af8": Error processing tar file(exit status 1): operation not permitted

Useful Information

  • Distribution: CentOS
  • Distribution version: Stream 8
  • Kernel version: 4.18.0-383.el8.x86_64
  • LXD version: 5.1-4ae3604
  • Host Partition File System: ext4

Useful outputs

lxc info
config: {}
- storage_zfs_remove_snapshots
- container_host_shutdown_timeout
- container_stop_priority
- container_syscall_filtering
- auth_pki
- container_last_used_at
- etag
- patch
- usb_devices
- https_allowed_credentials
- image_compression_algorithm
- directory_manipulation
- container_cpu_time
- storage_zfs_use_refquota
- storage_lvm_mount_options
- network
- profile_usedby
- container_push
- container_exec_recording
- certificate_update
- container_exec_signal_handling
- gpu_devices
- container_image_properties
- migration_progress
- id_map
- network_firewall_filtering
- network_routes
- storage
- file_delete
- file_append
- network_dhcp_expiry
- storage_lvm_vg_rename
- storage_lvm_thinpool_rename
- network_vlan
- image_create_aliases
- container_stateless_copy
- container_only_migration
- storage_zfs_clone_copy
- unix_device_rename
- storage_lvm_use_thinpool
- storage_rsync_bwlimit
- network_vxlan_interface
- storage_btrfs_mount_options
- entity_description
- image_force_refresh
- storage_lvm_lv_resizing
- id_map_base
- file_symlinks
- container_push_target
- network_vlan_physical
- storage_images_delete
- container_edit_metadata
- container_snapshot_stateful_migration
- storage_driver_ceph
- storage_ceph_user_name
- resource_limits
- storage_volatile_initial_source
- storage_ceph_force_osd_reuse
- storage_block_filesystem_btrfs
- resources
- kernel_limits
- storage_api_volume_rename
- macaroon_authentication
- network_sriov
- console
- restrict_devlxd
- migration_pre_copy
- infiniband
- maas_network
- devlxd_events
- proxy
- network_dhcp_gateway
- file_get_symlink
- network_leases
- unix_device_hotplug
- storage_api_local_volume_handling
- operation_description
- clustering
- event_lifecycle
- storage_api_remote_volume_handling
- nvidia_runtime
- container_mount_propagation
- container_backup
- devlxd_images
- container_local_cross_pool_handling
- proxy_unix
- proxy_udp
- clustering_join
- proxy_tcp_udp_multi_port_handling
- network_state
- proxy_unix_dac_properties
- container_protection_delete
- unix_priv_drop
- pprof_http
- proxy_haproxy_protocol
- network_hwaddr
- proxy_nat
- network_nat_order
- container_full
- candid_authentication
- backup_compression
- candid_config
- nvidia_runtime_config
- storage_api_volume_snapshots
- storage_unmapped
- projects
- candid_config_key
- network_vxlan_ttl
- container_incremental_copy
- usb_optional_vendorid
- snapshot_scheduling
- snapshot_schedule_aliases
- container_copy_project
- clustering_server_address
- clustering_image_replication
- container_protection_shift
- snapshot_expiry
- container_backup_override_pool
- snapshot_expiry_creation
- network_leases_location
- resources_cpu_socket
- resources_gpu
- resources_numa
- kernel_features
- id_map_current
- event_location
- storage_api_remote_volume_snapshots
- network_nat_address
- container_nic_routes
- rbac
- cluster_internal_copy
- seccomp_notify
- lxc_features
- container_nic_ipvlan
- network_vlan_sriov
- storage_cephfs
- container_nic_ipfilter
- resources_v2
- container_exec_user_group_cwd
- container_syscall_intercept
- container_disk_shift
- storage_shifted
- resources_infiniband
- daemon_storage
- instances
- image_types
- resources_disk_sata
- clustering_roles
- images_expiry
- resources_network_firmware
- backup_compression_algorithm
- ceph_data_pool_name
- container_syscall_intercept_mount
- compression_squashfs
- container_raw_mount
- container_nic_routed
- container_syscall_intercept_mount_fuse
- container_disk_ceph
- virtual-machines
- image_profiles
- clustering_architecture
- resources_disk_id
- storage_lvm_stripes
- vm_boot_priority
- unix_hotplug_devices
- api_filtering
- instance_nic_network
- clustering_sizing
- firewall_driver
- projects_limits
- container_syscall_intercept_hugetlbfs
- limits_hugepages
- container_nic_routed_gateway
- projects_restrictions
- custom_volume_snapshot_expiry
- volume_snapshot_scheduling
- trust_ca_certificates
- snapshot_disk_usage
- clustering_edit_roles
- container_nic_routed_host_address
- container_nic_ipvlan_gateway
- resources_usb_pci
- resources_cpu_threads_numa
- resources_cpu_core_die
- api_os
- container_nic_routed_host_table
- container_nic_ipvlan_host_table
- container_nic_ipvlan_mode
- resources_system
- images_push_relay
- network_dns_search
- container_nic_routed_limits
- instance_nic_bridged_vlan
- network_state_bond_bridge
- usedby_consistency
- custom_block_volumes
- clustering_failure_domains
- resources_gpu_mdev
- console_vga_type
- projects_limits_disk
- network_type_macvlan
- network_type_sriov
- container_syscall_intercept_bpf_devices
- network_type_ovn
- projects_networks
- projects_networks_restricted_uplinks
- custom_volume_backup
- backup_override_name
- storage_rsync_compression
- network_type_physical
- network_ovn_external_subnets
- network_ovn_nat
- network_ovn_external_routes_remove
- tpm_device_type
- storage_zfs_clone_copy_rebase
- gpu_mdev
- resources_pci_iommu
- resources_network_usb
- resources_disk_address
- network_physical_ovn_ingress_mode
- network_ovn_dhcp
- network_physical_routes_anycast
- projects_limits_instances
- network_state_vlan
- instance_nic_bridged_port_isolation
- instance_bulk_state_change
- network_gvrp
- instance_pool_move
- gpu_sriov
- pci_device_type
- storage_volume_state
- network_acl
- migration_stateful
- disk_state_quota
- storage_ceph_features
- projects_compression
- projects_images_remote_cache_expiry
- certificate_project
- network_ovn_acl
- projects_images_auto_update
- projects_restricted_cluster_target
- images_default_architecture
- network_ovn_acl_defaults
- gpu_mig
- project_usage
- network_bridge_acl
- warnings
- projects_restricted_backups_and_snapshots
- clustering_join_token
- clustering_description
- server_trusted_proxy
- clustering_update_cert
- storage_api_project
- server_instance_driver_operational
- server_supported_storage_drivers
- event_lifecycle_requestor_address
- resources_gpu_usb
- clustering_evacuation
- network_ovn_nat_address
- network_bgp
- network_forward
- custom_volume_refresh
- network_counters_errors_dropped
- metrics
- image_source_project
- clustering_config
- network_peer
- linux_sysctl
- network_dns
- ovn_nic_acceleration
- certificate_self_renewal
- instance_project_move
- storage_volume_project_move
- cloud_init
- network_dns_nat
- database_leader
- instance_all_projects
- clustering_groups
- ceph_rbd_du
- instance_get_full
- qemu_metrics
- gpu_mig_uuid
- event_project
- clustering_evacuation_live
- instance_allow_inconsistent_copy
- network_state_ovn
- storage_volume_api_filtering
- image_restrictions
- storage_zfs_export
- network_dns_records
- storage_zfs_reserve_space
- network_acl_log
- storage_zfs_blocksize
- metrics_cpu_seconds
- instance_snapshot_never
- certificate_token
- instance_nic_routed_neighbor_probe
- event_hub
- agent_nic_config
- projects_restricted_intercept
- metrics_authentication
- images_target_project
- cluster_migration_inconsistent_copy
- cluster_ovn_chassis
- container_syscall_intercept_sched_setscheduler
- storage_lvm_thinpool_metadata_size
- storage_volume_state_total
- instance_file_head
- instances_nic_host_name
- image_copy_profile
- container_syscall_intercept_sysinfo
- clustering_evacuation_mode
api_status: stable
api_version: "1.0"
auth: trusted
public: false
- tls
  addresses: []
  - x86_64
  - i686
  certificate: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  certificate_fingerprint: 61a2d8d6e4b2165ca9917ce25fd5239a24c94415bc359c02e49d5ed130f51906
  driver: lxc
  driver_version: 4.0.12
  firewall: xtables
  kernel: Linux
  kernel_architecture: x86_64
    idmapped_mounts: "false"
    netnsid_getifaddrs: "true"
    seccomp_listener: "false"
    seccomp_listener_continue: "false"
    shiftfs: "false"
    uevent_injection: "true"
    unpriv_fscaps: "true"
  kernel_version: 4.18.0-383.el8.x86_64
    cgroup2: "true"
    core_scheduling: "true"
    devpts_fd: "true"
    idmapped_mounts_v2: "true"
    mount_injection_file: "true"
    network_gateway_device_route: "true"
    network_ipvlan: "true"
    network_l2proxy: "true"
    network_phys_macvlan_mtu: "true"
    network_veth_router: "true"
    pidfd: "true"
    seccomp_allow_deny_syntax: "true"
    seccomp_notify: "true"
    seccomp_proxy_send_notify_fd: "true"
  os_name: CentOS Stream
  os_version: "8"
  project: default
  server: lxd
  server_clustered: false
  server_event_mode: full-mesh
  server_name: podman-testing
  server_pid: 5591
  server_version: "5.1"
  storage: lvm
  storage_version: 2.03.07(2) (2019-11-30) / 1.02.167 (2019-11-30) / 4.43.0
  - name: btrfs
    version: 5.4.1
    remote: false
  - name: cephfs
    version: 15.2.14
    remote: true
  - name: dir
    version: "1"
    remote: false
  - name: lvm
    version: 2.03.07(2) (2019-11-30) / 1.02.167 (2019-11-30) / 4.43.0
    remote: false
  - name: ceph
    version: 15.2.14
    remote: true
lxc storage ls
|  NAME   | DRIVER |                   SOURCE                   | DESCRIPTION | USED BY |  STATE  |
| default | lvm    | /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img |             | 3       | CREATED |
lxc storage show default
  lvm.thinpool_name: LXDThinPool
  lvm.vg_name: default
  size: 7GB
  source: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/disks/default.img
description: ""
name: default
driver: lvm
- /1.0/images/ed4a6eb25898b301c93dafa6db5b081d207ca2db53a1a6a6a061baa8f78e11c9
- /1.0/instances/testcontainer
- /1.0/profiles/default
status: Created
- none

[    5.890595] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48
[    5.897174] virtio_gpu virtio0: [drm] fb0: virtio_gpudrmfb frame buffer device
[    8.042443] virtio_net virtio1 eth0: renamed from enp1s0
[    8.257117] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[    9.651824] EXT4-fs (sda1): resizing filesystem from 878848 to 9983483 blocks
[    9.755856] EXT4-fs (sda1): resized filesystem to 9983483
[  154.925329] SELinux:  Converting 347 SID table entries...
[  154.926800] SELinux:  policy capability network_peer_controls=1
[  154.927347] SELinux:  policy capability open_perms=1
[  154.927800] SELinux:  policy capability extended_socket_class=1
[  154.928332] SELinux:  policy capability always_check_network=0
[  154.928854] SELinux:  policy capability cgroup_seclabel=1
[  154.929338] SELinux:  policy capability nnp_nosuid_transition=1
[  233.230875] SELinux:  Converting 361 SID table entries...
[  233.233687] SELinux:  policy capability network_peer_controls=1
[  233.234693] SELinux:  policy capability open_perms=1
[  233.235547] SELinux:  policy capability extended_socket_class=1
[  233.236530] SELinux:  policy capability always_check_network=0
[  233.237498] SELinux:  policy capability cgroup_seclabel=1
[  233.238421] SELinux:  policy capability nnp_nosuid_transition=1
[  249.611083] loop: module loaded
[  249.615297] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 4096
[  249.638837] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[  255.193719] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 4096
[  258.022818] loop0: detected capacity change from 0 to 46845952
[  259.519094] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 4096
[  264.699867] loop1: detected capacity change from 0 to 64909312
[  267.866600] loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 84246528
[  333.095362] new mount options do not match the existing superblock, will be ignored
[  333.123335] fuse: init (API version 7.33)
[  334.164721] NET: Registered protocol family 40
[  335.685472] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[  335.687910] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.43.0-ioctl (2020-10-01) initialised:
[  379.802312] loop3: detected capacity change from 0 to 7000000000
[  381.449243] bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this.
[  381.478021] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): lxdbr0: link is not ready
[  422.183322] EXT4-fs (dm-4): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard
[  440.881989] EXT4-fs (dm-4): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard
[  441.545705] EXT4-fs (dm-4): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard
[  441.875666] EXT4-fs (dm-4): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard
[  444.458185] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): veth300231c0: link is not ready
[  444.522649] lxdbr0: port 1(veth300231c0) entered blocking state
[  444.523758] lxdbr0: port 1(veth300231c0) entered disabled state
[  444.524947] device veth300231c0 entered promiscuous mode
[  444.826585] cgroup: cgroup: disabling cgroup2 socket matching due to net_prio or net_cls activation
[  444.847307] physG0ixXo: renamed from veth02a33f28
[  444.853987] eth0: renamed from physG0ixXo
[  444.859131] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[  444.861664] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[  444.864082] lxdbr0: port 1(veth300231c0) entered blocking state
[  444.865964] lxdbr0: port 1(veth300231c0) entered forwarding state
[  444.868368] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): lxdbr0: link becomes ready
[  491.336615] overlayfs: upper fs does not support xattr, falling back to index=off and metacopy=off.
[  491.462665] overlayfs: upper fs does not support xattr, falling back to index=off and metacopy=off.

lxc info testcontainer --show-log
Name: testcontainer
Type: container
Architecture: x86_64
PID: 6016
Created: 2022/05/11 09:16 UTC
Last Used: 2022/05/11 09:17 UTC

  Processes: 12
  Disk usage:
    root: 1.13GiB
  CPU usage:
    CPU usage (in seconds): 53
  Memory usage:
    Memory (current): 493.17MiB
    Memory (peak): 723.67MiB
  Network usage:
      Type: broadcast
      State: UP
      Host interface: veth300231c0
      MAC address: 00:16:3e:80:67:05
      MTU: 1500
      Bytes received: 425.48MB
      Bytes sent: 968.14kB
      Packets received: 35778
      Packets sent: 13318
      IP addresses:
        inet: (global)
        inet6: fe80::216:3eff:fe80:6705/64 (link)
      Type: loopback
      State: UP
      MTU: 65536
      Bytes received: 0B
      Bytes sent: 0B
      Packets received: 0
      Packets sent: 0
      IP addresses:
        inet: (local)
        inet6: ::1/128 (local)


lxc testcontainer 20220511091714.843 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3592 - newuidmap binary is missing
lxc testcontainer 20220511091714.844 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3598 - newgidmap binary is missing
lxc testcontainer 20220511091714.844 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3592 - newuidmap binary is missing
lxc testcontainer 20220511091714.844 WARN     conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:3598 - newgidmap binary is missing
lxc testcontainer 20220511091720.849 WARN     attach - attach.c:get_attach_context:477 - No security context received
lxc testcontainer 20220511093245.762 WARN     attach - attach.c:get_attach_context:477 - No security context received

lxc config show testcontainer --expanded
architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: Centos 8-Stream amd64 (20220511_07:08)
  image.os: Centos
  image.release: 8-Stream
  image.serial: "20220511_07:08"
  image.type: squashfs
  image.variant: default
  volatile.base_image: ed4a6eb25898b301c93dafa6db5b081d207ca2db53a1a6a6a061baa8f78e11c9 06a6a788-02e8-4963-9795-2dbc489b8ab1
  volatile.eth0.host_name: veth300231c0
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:80:67:05
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]' '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
  volatile.uuid: 1b8b906d-1595-4d06-8bb8-c5fcbe092ca6
    name: eth0
    network: lxdbr0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: default
    type: disk
ephemeral: false
- default
stateful: false
description: ""

time="2022-05-11T09:15:24Z" level=warning msg="AppArmor support has been disabled because of lack of kernel support"
time="2022-05-11T09:15:24Z" level=warning msg=" - AppArmor support has been disabled, Disabled because of lack of kernel support"
time="2022-05-11T09:15:24Z" level=warning msg=" - Couldn't find the CGroup blkio.weight, disk priority will be ignored"
time="2022-05-11T09:15:24Z" level=warning msg="Instance type not operational" driver=qemu err="KVM support is missing (no /dev/kvm)" type=virtual-machine
time="2022-05-11T09:15:25Z" level=warning msg="Failed to initialize fanotify, falling back on fsnotify" err="Failed to initialize fanotify: invalid argument"

@sdeziel you said it was working for you, presumably that was 5.1 snap too but on Ubuntu rather than CentOS8?

Correct, Ubuntu 20.04 + 5.13 kernel + LXD snap 5.1. I had to specify the fuse thing in the mount_program option otherwise it was complaining about zfs not supporting overlay something (don’t remember the exact message).

Yeah, in the case of a zfs filesystem I understand the need of that configuration and the limitation is clearly stated in the error message, but I’m still trying to completely understand why that “fix” is needed to an image not using rootless mode on a ext4 file system.

And just to update on the main post, I just fired up a new VM running CentOS Stream 9, which runs kernel 5.14.0 and could replicate the exact same error (LXD snap 5.1-1f6f485). From this I want to draw the conclusion that the problem is not the aforementioned kernel 5.13+ support

@lucasbaile this is my config for running kubernetes inside LXD so you may not need all of this, but even if it is overkill for your requirement, it should work. So perhaps some or all of the following may be helpful … try using this 'k8s-weavenet" profile to create your centos/8-stream LXD container (of course edit some parts to match your system). Also, you can probably get away with 2 cpu and 4 Gb but I recommend 4 cpu / 8 Gb if you have it.

[orabuntu@f34sv1 ~]$ lxc profile list
|     NAME     |              DESCRIPTION               | USED BY |
| default      | Default LXD profile                    | 0       |
| k8s-weavenet | Kubernetes LXD WeaveNet                | 4       |
| olxc_sw1a    | Orabuntu-LXD OpenvSwitch Clone profile | 4       |
| olxc_sx1a    | Orabuntu-LXD OpenvSwitch Seeds profile | 2       |
[orabuntu@f34sv1 ~]$ lxc profile show k8s-weavenet

limits.cpu: “4”
limits.memory: 8GB
limits.memory.swap: “false”
linux.kernel_modules: ip_tables,ip6_tables,nf_nat,overlay,br_netfilter
raw.lxc: “lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined\nlxc.cap.drop= \nlxc.cgroup.devices.allow=a\
sys:rw\nlxc.mount.entry = /dev/kmsg dev/kmsg none defaults,bind,create=file”
security.nesting: “true”
security.privileged: “true”
description: Kubernetes LXD WeaveNet
name: eth0
nictype: bridged
parent: sw1a
type: nic
path: /
pool: local
type: disk
name: k8s-weavenet

[orabuntu@f34sv1 ~]$ lxc list
|   NAME   |  STATE  |          IPV4          | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| maestro  | RUNNING | (cni0)      |      | CONTAINER | 0         | f34sv1   |
|          |         | (flannel.1) |      |           |           |          |
|          |         | (eth0)     |      |           |           |          |

Note that you may also have to run the following command regarding kmsg:

lxc config device add “ContainerName” “kmsg” unix-char source=“/dev/kmsg” path=“/dev/kmsg”’

Once that LXD container is built, then install podman inside the container in the usual way:

dnf -y install podman skopeo buildah

(I always install all 3 together)

Now you should be able to pull your required image:

[root@maestro ~]# which podman
[root@maestro ~]# podman pull
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob a0b8f3931ffa done  
Copying blob 1ac891d08dc2 done  
Copying blob 04f0eb705bff done  
Copying blob 4a7e61ebcfec done  
Copying config 67daa3fbd6 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

details of LXD container:

[root@maestro ~]# uname -a
Linux maestro 5.17.6-100.fc34.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 9 14:41:31 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@maestro ~]# cat /etc/centos-release 
CentOS Stream release 8
[root@maestro ~]#

note the LXD container is built on a ZFS pool:

[orabuntu@f34sv1 lxd-provisioning]$ lxc storage list
| containerd | dir    |                  | 3       | CREATED |
| docker     | dir    |                  | 3       | CREATED |
| kubelet    | dir    |                  | 3       | CREATED |
| local      | zfs    | f34sv1-olxd-f5bf | 22      | CREATED |
[orabuntu@f34sv1 lxd-provisioning]$
1 Like

Thank you very much, @Gilbert_Standen!

I did some testing here and what did the trick was specifically the security.privileged: “true” part, which is much less annoying in my current flow than the previous trick with the mount_program config

hi all,

i kinda have the same problem - podman wont run in the container. as far as i remember, a few months back i had it working with only setting security.nesting to true.


  • os: ubuntu 22.10,
  • snap: 2.58.2
  • lxd: 5.10-b392610 24323 latest/stable canonical✓ -
  • storage: btrfs → /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default


  • os: ubuntu 22.04
  • security.nesting is set to true

doing only podman ps will error out

root@podman:~# podman ps --all
ERRO[0000] [graphdriver] prior storage driver overlay failed: error changing permissions on file for metacopy check: chmod /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/metacopy-check3704853236/merged/f: read-only file system
Error: error changing permissions on file for metacopy check: chmod /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/metacopy-check3704853236/merged/f: read-only file system

Based on what i understood from previous posts, container needs to be privileged. Is this the case?

m@hp:~$ lxc config show podman
architecture: x86_64
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: ubuntu 22.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20230210)
  image.label: release
  image.os: ubuntu
  image.release: jammy
  image.serial: "20230210"
  image.type: squashfs
  image.version: "22.04"
  security.nesting: "true"
  volatile.base_image: 6de3bbd44fa9fdaeef6e5a96b03bb0c09b59b6be7d594bcd3beb92c1956250b6 f6c96f7f-25a6-4081-9bf6-e7f321745056
  volatile.eth0.host_name: vethb7e394c8
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:92:6f:ec
  volatile.idmap.base: "0"
  volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]' '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
  volatile.uuid: c5499396-1067-4ce4-8149-249db2a568f7
devices: {}
ephemeral: false
- default
stateful: false
description: ""

3 different images, 3 different errors messages, but somehow all seems to be about overlayfs and metacopy.

i also saw this thread which seems to be closed as a support request and not a bug in the container.

so, a question maybe - in a newly created container with enabled security.nesting and btrfs storage - should podman ps command work ootb?

# almalinux/9
[root@a ~]# podman ps
Error: changing permissions on file for metacopy check: chmod /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/metacopy-check155664548/merged/f: read-only file system
[root@a ~]#

# fedora/37
[root@p ~]# podman ps
Error: failed to mount overlay for metacopy check with "nodev,metacopy=on" options: permission denied
[root@p ~]#

# ubuntu22.10
root@u:~# podman ps
ERRO[0000] [graphdriver] prior storage driver overlay failed: error changing permissions on file for metacopy check: chmod /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/metacopy-check335261726/merged/f: read-only file system
Error: error changing permissions on file for metacopy check: chmod /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/metacopy-check335261726/merged/f: read-only file system

# almalinux/9 - hetzner vm
[root@a ~]# podman ps
ERRO[0000] 'overlay' is not supported over btrfs at "/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay"

# even though error is thrown here, podman works. when starting container following warning appears
[root@podman ~]# podman run -d --name portainer --restart=always -v /run/podman/podman.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest
WARN[0000] Ignoring global metacopy option, not supported with booted kernel