Problems with incus version 0.5.1 under Debian12

incus file edit vm5/etc/hosts
Error: exec: “mvim”: executable file not found in $PATH

Hello, and welcome to the Incus community support forum!

When you run a command like the following, Incus makes a copy of the file to the host, launches whichever editor is defined in $EDITOR on the host with argument that copy of the file, and when you save it, Incus sends back the file to the instance.

incus file edit myinstance/file/in/instance.txt

By default on Debian or Ubuntu hosts, the editor is pico. What’s your Linux distribution?

If you want to edit the file with gedit (the GUI text editor for GNOME), you would run the following:

export EDITOR=gedit
incus file edit vm5/etc/hosts

You could also try exporting vim or nano. I am sure at least one of those is installed.

You could also try installing mvim.

I figured out what mvim is and why I did not know what it was.