Publish images very slow for some containers

I use script for backup containers

# Main backup script
	main () {
    	if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR/$i/$BACKUPDATE2" ]; then
        	mkdir -p $WORKDIR/$i/$BACKUPDATE2
        	echo "Backup directory: $WORKDIR/$i created for backup storage"

    	# Create snapshot with date as name
    	if lxc snapshot $LXCCONTAINER $LXCCONTAINER-SNAP; then
        	echo "Snapshot: Succesfully created snapshot at $BACKUPDATE on container $LXCCONTAINER"
        	echo "Snapshot: Could not create snapshot at $BACKUPDATE on container $LXCCONTAINER"
        	return 1

    	# lxc publish --force container-name-backup-date --alias webserver-backup-date
    	if lxc publish --force $LXCCONTAINER/$LXCCONTAINER-SNAP --alias $LXCCONTAINER-IMAGE; then
        	echo "Publish: Succesfully published an image of $LXCCONTAINER/$LXCCONTAINER-SNAP to $LXCCONTAINER-IMAGE"
        	echo "Publish: Could not create image from $LXCCONTAINER/$LXCCONTAINER-SNAP to $LXCCONTAINER-IMAGE"
        	return 1

    	# Export lxc image to image.tar.gz file.
        	echo "Image: Succesfully exported an image of $LXCCONTAINER-IMAGE to $WORKDIR/$i/$BACKUPDATE2/$LXCCONTAINER_$BACKUPDATE.tar.gz"
        	echo "Image: Could not publish image from $LXCCONTAINER-IMAGE to $WORKDIR/$i/$BACKUPDATE2/$LXCCONTAINER_$BACKUPDATE.tar.gz"
        	exit 1

snapshot of contaners creates quickly, but publish and export creates very long (more than 4-5 hours)

I have about 20 containers and this problem i see on a few containers and i can’t understand how to fix this
for example container gitlab

lxc config show --expanded git-web
architecture: x86_64
  boot.autostart: "true"
  boot.autostart.delay: "30"
  boot.autostart.priority: "6"
  image.architecture: amd64
  image.description: ubuntu 18.04 LTS amd64 (release) (20200701)
  image.label: release
  image.os: ubuntu
  image.release: bionic
  image.serial: "20200701"
  image.version: "18.04"
  limits.memory: 8GB
  limits.memory.enforce: hard
  volatile.apply_quota: 50GB
  volatile.base_image: 71f171df8308fab041101d8d4050312df4ecc1063d73761c5e660e8c983ccd31
  volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:7e:9d:cd
  volatile.idmap.base: "0" '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.idmap: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":100000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":65536}]'
  volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING
    name: eth0
    nictype: bridged
    parent: br0
    type: nic
    path: /
    pool: lvpool
    size: 50GB
    type: disk
ephemeral: false
- default
stateful: false
description: ""

but if i do “df -h” in the problem container i see

root@git-web:~# df -h
Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/lvpool/containers_git--web  197G   32G  158G  17% /
none                             492K     0  492K   0% /dev
udev                              94G     0   94G   0% /dev/tty
tmpfs                            100K     0  100K   0% /dev/lxd
tmpfs                            100K     0  100K   0% /dev/.lxd-mounts
tmpfs                             94G   12K   94G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                             94G  176K   94G   1% /run
tmpfs                            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                             94G     0   94G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

size 197G, but in config i see 50G

May be this is problem?

.compressed file creates very long

Can i increase speed for this? May be use pigs instead gzip or something

I confused about “some containers creates quickly, some containers so long”

another container stuck at 258mb about 20 minutes. How to see whats happening?

You may be running out of disk space or getting near to it that is slowing down I/O.

Try creating a custom volume on a storage pool with plenty of space (could just be a new dir pool with source set to a directory that has plenty of space), and then set:

lxc config set storage.images_volume=<pool>/<vol name>

Thank you for the answer @tomp

I have empty partition, on this partition i create a directory for example “images” and i should do
lxc config set storage.images_volume=/new_partition/images

Say me please @tomp how can i see a default directory for images? Where i can find this setting?

1 Like

What mean “Updating images”? 2:30 hours it’s very long, weight container - 30gb

Is your LXD server installed inside a VM?

LXD server hosted on baremetal host

I was asking because it really does sound like your computer is running low on resources, normally checking the free disk space on the host and storage whilst carrying out those operations can confirm.

You need to create a LXD custom volume on a storage pool with sufficient disk space available.
If you’re using a storage pool type that uses block volumes (LVM, Ceph) then you should also ensure you have specified the custom volume size to be sufficiently large.

But if you just want to use a directory on the host that has plenty of free space use:

lxc storage create mypool dir source=/some/dir/with/plenty/of/space
lxc storage volume create mypool myvol
lxc config set storage.images_volume=mypool/myvol


Thank you for the answers

I think problem not in the pool

I find some keys for lxc publish such as --force-local and --debug

As i see the problem not in “slow gzip”, problem in publish before gzip. lxc “think” a couple hours before he start gzip image from snapshot. An i need to find answer - why he think hours before start?

@stgraber or @tomp May be you can explain in which cases shoud use --force-local with lxc publish?
I have a 4 custom remote location (but it’s broken) and local unix socket. May be i need delete this remote location

Tomorrow i use these keys for the publish

Here output when i use lxc publish --force-local --debug git-web/snap0 --alias git_test_image

root@main1:~# lxc publish --force-local --debug git-web/snap0 --alias git_test_image                                                                                                                                                                                            
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Connecting to a local LXD over a Unix socket                                                                                                                                                                                                               
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0 etag=                                                                                                                                                                       
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Got response struct from LXD                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
                "config": {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                        "core.https_address": "[::]:8443",                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                        "core.trust_password": true,                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
                        "images.compression_algorithm": "pigz"                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                "api_extensions": [                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                "api_status": "stable",
                "api_version": "1.0",
                "auth": "trusted",
                "public": false,
                "auth_methods": [
                "environment": {
                        "addresses": [
                        "architectures": [
                        "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFVTCCAz2gAwIBAgIQDTqPyMcHPeqQ0zAQuwlngjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAz\nMRwwGgYDVQQKExNsaW51eGNvbnRhaW5lcnMub3JnMRMwEQYDVQQDDApyb290QG1h\naW4xMB4XDTE5MTExMjE2NDEzOFoXDTI5MTEwOTE2NDEzOFowMzEcMBoGA1UEChMT\nbGlud
os0HjSrLZyy\noO8QgxyMu8eTsjeHBjFvhigaZS/x1DgzGw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
                        "certificate_fingerprint": "5d089838dbb624692d8243a8f788c528820288f58023d171c1ec00767e0c1eed",
                        "driver": "lxc",
                        "driver_version": "3.0.3",
                        "kernel": "Linux",
                        "kernel_architecture": "x86_64",
                        "kernel_version": "4.15.0-112-generic",
                        "server": "lxd",
                        "server_pid": 31621,
                        "server_version": "3.0.3",
                        "storage": "lvm",
                        "storage_version": "2.02.176(2) (2017-11-03) / 1.02.145 (2017-11-03) / 4.37.0 / ./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --locals
tatedir=/var --disable-silent-rules --libdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --runstatedir=/run --disable-maintainer-mode --disable-dependency-tracking --exec-prefix= --bindir=/bin --libdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --sbindir=/sbin -
-with-usrlibdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --with-optimisation=-O2 --with-cache=internal --with-clvmd=corosync --with-cluster=internal --with-device-uid=0 --with-device-gid=6 --with-device-mode=0660 --with-default-pid-dir=/run --with-default-run-dir=/run/lvm --with-default
-locking-dir=/run/lock/lvm --with-thin=internal --with-thin-check=/usr/sbin/thin_check --with-thin-dump=/usr/sbin/thin_dump --with-thin-repair=/usr/sbin/thin_repair --enable-applib --enable-blkid_wiping --enable-cmdlib --enable-cmirrord --enable-dmeventd --enable-dbus-ser
vice --enable-lvmetad --enable-lvmlockd-dlm --enable-lvmlockd-sanlock --enable-lvmpolld --enable-notify-dbus --enable-pkgconfig --enable-readline --enable-udev_rules --enable-udev_sync",
                        "server_clustered": false,
                        "server_name": "main1",
                        "project": ""
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Connected to the websocket
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Sending request to LXD                   method=POST url=http://unix.socket/1.0/images etag=
                "auto_update": false,
                "properties": null,
                "public": false,
                "filename": "",
                "source": {
                        "alias": "",
                        "certificate": "",
                        "protocol": "",
                        "server": "",
                        "mode": "",
                        "type": "snapshot",
                        "url": "",
                        "name": "git-web/snap0",
                        "fingerprint": "",
                        "secret": ""
                "compression_algorithm": "",
                "aliases": null
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Got operation from LXD
                "id": "eba22fc5-c76f-46bf-ac3d-32f1920df8da",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Downloading image",
                "created_at": "2021-08-04T10:34:58.964701244+03:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-08-04T10:34:58.964701244+03:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": null,
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": ""
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Sending request to LXD                   method=GET url=http://unix.socket/1.0/operations/eba22fc5-c76f-46bf-ac3d-32f1920df8da etag=
DBUG[08-04|10:34:58] Got response struct from LXD
                "id": "eba22fc5-c76f-46bf-ac3d-32f1920df8da",
                "class": "task",
                "description": "Downloading image",
                "created_at": "2021-08-04T10:34:58.964701244+03:00",
                "updated_at": "2021-08-04T10:34:58.964701244+03:00",
                "status": "Running",
                "status_code": 103,
                "resources": null,
                "metadata": null,
                "may_cancel": false,
                "err": ""

And this stuck about 5 hours, and then start create image

Have you checked sudo dmesg to see if there are any kernel/IO issues?

here syslog

Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting log/debug_classes to debug_classes = [ "memory", "devices", "activation", "allocation", "lvmetad", "metadata", "cache", "locking", "lvmpolld", "dbus" ]
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Logging initialised at Wed Aug  4 10:34:58 2021
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Loading config file: /etc/lvm/lvmlocal.conf
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting config/checks to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting config/abort_on_errors to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting config/checks to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/umask to 63
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Set umask from 0022 to 0077
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/dir to /dev
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/external_device_info_source to none
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/proc to /proc
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/activation to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: activation/auto_set_activation_skip not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/readahead to auto
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/udev_rules to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/udev_sync to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/retry_deactivation to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/checks to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/use_linear_target to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/missing_stripe_filler to error
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/metadata_read_only to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/pv_min_size to 2048
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: metadata/check_pv_device_sizes not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/units to r
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/si_unit_consistency to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/binary_values_as_numeric not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/mark_hidden_devices not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/suffix to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/list_item_separator not found in config: defaulting to ,
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/time_format not found in config: defaulting to %Y-%m-%d %T %z
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/two_word_unknown_device not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/detect_internal_vg_cache_corruption to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/system_id_source to none
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting config/profile_dir to /etc/lvm/profile
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/disable_after_error_count to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: devices/preferred_names not found in config: using built-in preferences
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/obtain_device_list_from_udev to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/scan to scan = [ "/dev" ]
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/reserved_stack to 64
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/reserved_memory to 8192
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/process_priority to -18
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised format: lvm1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised format: pool
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised format: lvm2
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: global/format not found in config: defaulting to lvm2
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: striped
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: zero
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: error
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting dmeventd/snapshot_library to
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: snapshot
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting dmeventd/mirror_library to
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: mirror
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: dmeventd/raid_library not found in config: defaulting to
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid0_meta
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid10
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid10_near
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid4
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid5
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid5_n
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid5_la
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid5_ls
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid5_ra
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid5_rs
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_n_6
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_nc
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_nr
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_zr
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_ls_6
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_rs_6
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_la_6
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: raid6_ra_6
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting dmeventd/thin_library to
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: thin-pool
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: thin
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: cache-pool
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Initialised segtype: cache
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting backup/archive to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting backup/retain_days to 30
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting backup/retain_min to 10
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting backup/archive_dir to /etc/lvm/archive
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting backup/backup to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting backup/backup_dir to /etc/lvm/backup
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: global/fallback_to_lvm1 not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: devices/global_filter not found in config: defaulting to global_filter = [ "a|.*/|" ]
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/locking_type to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/use_lvmetad to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: global/lvmetad_update_wait_time not found in config: defaulting to 10
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting response to OK
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting protocol to lvmetad
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting version to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/use_lvmpolld to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/sysfs_scan to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/multipath_component_detection to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/md_component_detection to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/fw_raid_component_detection to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/ignore_suspended_devices to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/ignore_lvm_mirrors to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: devices/filter not found in config: defaulting to filter = [ "a|.*/|" ]
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/cache_dir to /run/lvm
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/cache_file_prefix to
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: devices/cache not found in config: defaulting to /run/lvm/.cache
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting devices/write_cache_state to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/use_lvmetad to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/activation_mode to degraded
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: metadata/record_lvs_history not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting activation/monitoring to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/locking_type to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/wait_for_locks to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: File-based locking selected.
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/prioritise_write_locks to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/locking_dir to /run/lock/lvm
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global/use_lvmlockd to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting response to OK
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting token to filter:3239235440
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting daemon_pid to 1050
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting response to OK
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: Setting global_disable to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/output_format not found in config: defaulting to basic
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: log/report_command_log not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/aligned not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/buffered not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/headings not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/separator not found in config: defaulting to
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/prefixes not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/quoted not found in config: defaulting to 1
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/columns_as_rows not found in config: defaulting to 0
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/vgs_sort not found in config: defaulting to vg_name
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/vgs_cols not found in config: defaulting to vg_name,pv_count,lv_count,snap_count,vg_attr,vg_size,vg_free
Aug  4 10:34:58 main1 lvm[11989]: report/compact_output_cols not found in config: defaulting to

In dmesg
Aug 04 10:34:59 main1 kernel: EXT4-fs (dm-33): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: discard

May be problem in LVM, i can’t understand


Aug 04 10:34:59 main1 lvm[11993]: Archiving volume group "lvpool" metadata (seqno 88237).
Aug 04 10:34:59 main1 lvm[11993]: Setting logical volume lvpool/containers_git--web-snap0 read/write.
Aug 04 10:34:59 main1 lvm[11993]: Logical volume lvpool/containers_git--web-snap0 changed.

My problem with LXC start at 23 june and i find this in images location

I think it’s stuck image, may be i need to delete it?

Please say me, if i restart lxc service - my containers are disable? or nothing happens with containers? it’s dangerous?

Tar create very fast first 32gb, and stuck, i know container weight 34gb. Whats wrong with least 2gb i don’t know

When I was running into this same problem it was because temp disk space was running out, hence what is wrong with the last 2GB, check your disk space usage, not storage.

hello @Jimbo!

Can you explain please, what is mean temp disk space? I use SSD disk LV on which creates images. Free space on this LV ~ 300-400gb

In your case how much disk space do you have? What you doing to resolve problem? Just increase disk space on which you stored images?

The disk where /tmp is, not LXD storage.

I am installing Ubuntu inside a virtual machine, I setup 10-15GB for EXT partition where I install the OS, and the rest e.g 100GB I leave unformatted and later create a ZFS partition. I was running into issues because the EXT partition was running out of space.