Published image missing metadata.yaml

Hello all,

I have an issue where I am pulling a root.squashfs and root.tar.xz from for use in an offline container build.

I run


lxc image import rootfs.tar.xz rootfs.squashfs

However the import fails with “Error: Metadata tarball is missing metadata.yaml”

If I run tar -tf rootfs.tar.xz | grep metadata.yaml this xz doesn’t appear to include a metadata.yaml file, however I can see a metadata.tar.xz in the mirror directory- do I need to tar that into the rootfs.tar.xz somehow?

That’s because you’re supposed to use incus.tar.xz and rootfs.squashfs OR incus.tar.xz and rootfs.tar.xz.

The first tarball needs to be metadata (tiny) and the second be the image itself (large).

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Thank you for your help, I’ll give that a try