Remote copy over WAN failed - problem 1 - how do I clean up a remote file exists but not in database?

So it seems clear that during the failed remote copy, a file was created but it never finished properly and registered itself.

Got that.

I’m new to LXD, can someone please tell me how to determine where the remote system might have created the partial file?

I installed LXD via snap so I have that directory structure location. I think it was a completely default installation (ie zfs) except turning on the networking for remote backups.

me@hp-prodesk-30:~$ lxd init 
### Use all defaults except for the networking item in green ###
Would you like to use LXD clustering? (yes/no) [default=no]: no
Do you want to configure a new storage pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
Name of the new storage pool [default=default]: default
Name of the storage backend to use (btrfs, ceph, dir, lvm, zfs) [default=zfs]: zfs
Create a new ZFS pool? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
Would you like to use an existing empty block device (e.g. a disk or partition)? (yes/no) [default=no]: no
Size in GiB of the new loop device (1GiB minimum) [default=30GiB]: 30GiB
Would you like to connect to a MAAS server? (yes/no) [default=no]: no
Would you like to create a new local network bridge? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
What should the new bridge be called? [default=lxdbr0]: lxdbr0
What IPv4 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: auto
What IPv6 address should be used? (CIDR subnet notation, “auto” or “none”) [default=auto]: auto
Would you like the LXD server to be available over the network? (yes/no) [default=no]: yes
Address to bind LXD to (not including port) [default=all]: all
Port to bind LXD to [default=8443]: 8443
Would you like stale cached images to be updated automatically? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes
Would you like a YAML "lxd init" preseed to be printed? (yes/no) [default=no]: no

Here is an info file for the remote system I am trying to clean up

me@HP-EliteDesk-20:~$ lxc info
  core.https_address: '[::]:8443'
  core.trust_password: true
- storage_zfs_remove_snapshots
- container_host_shutdown_timeout
- container_stop_priority
- container_syscall_filtering
- auth_pki
- container_last_used_at
- etag
- patch
- usb_devices
- https_allowed_credentials
- image_compression_algorithm
- directory_manipulation
- container_cpu_time
- storage_zfs_use_refquota
- storage_lvm_mount_options
- network
- profile_usedby
- container_push
- container_exec_recording
- certificate_update
- container_exec_signal_handling
- gpu_devices
- container_image_properties
- migration_progress
- id_map
- network_firewall_filtering
- network_routes
- storage
- file_delete
- file_append
- network_dhcp_expiry
- storage_lvm_vg_rename
- storage_lvm_thinpool_rename
- network_vlan
- image_create_aliases
- container_stateless_copy
- container_only_migration
- storage_zfs_clone_copy
- unix_device_rename
- storage_lvm_use_thinpool
- storage_rsync_bwlimit
- network_vxlan_interface
- storage_btrfs_mount_options
- entity_description
- image_force_refresh
- storage_lvm_lv_resizing
- id_map_base
- file_symlinks
- container_push_target
- network_vlan_physical
- storage_images_delete
- container_edit_metadata
- container_snapshot_stateful_migration
- storage_driver_ceph
- storage_ceph_user_name
- resource_limits
- storage_volatile_initial_source
- storage_ceph_force_osd_reuse
- storage_block_filesystem_btrfs
- resources
- kernel_limits
- storage_api_volume_rename
- macaroon_authentication
- network_sriov
- console
- restrict_devlxd
- migration_pre_copy
- infiniband
- maas_network
- devlxd_events
- proxy
- network_dhcp_gateway
- file_get_symlink
- network_leases
- unix_device_hotplug
- storage_api_local_volume_handling
- operation_description
- clustering
- event_lifecycle
- storage_api_remote_volume_handling
- nvidia_runtime
- container_mount_propagation
- container_backup
- devlxd_images
- container_local_cross_pool_handling
- proxy_unix
- proxy_udp
- clustering_join
- proxy_tcp_udp_multi_port_handling
- network_state
- proxy_unix_dac_properties
- container_protection_delete
- unix_priv_drop
- pprof_http
- proxy_haproxy_protocol
- network_hwaddr
- proxy_nat
- network_nat_order
- container_full
- candid_authentication
- backup_compression
- candid_config
- nvidia_runtime_config
- storage_api_volume_snapshots
- storage_unmapped
- projects
- candid_config_key
- network_vxlan_ttl
- container_incremental_copy
- usb_optional_vendorid
- snapshot_scheduling
- snapshot_schedule_aliases
- container_copy_project
- clustering_server_address
- clustering_image_replication
- container_protection_shift
- snapshot_expiry
- container_backup_override_pool
- snapshot_expiry_creation
- network_leases_location
- resources_cpu_socket
- resources_gpu
- resources_numa
- kernel_features
- id_map_current
- event_location
- storage_api_remote_volume_snapshots
- network_nat_address
- container_nic_routes
- rbac
- cluster_internal_copy
- seccomp_notify
- lxc_features
- container_nic_ipvlan
- network_vlan_sriov
- storage_cephfs
- container_nic_ipfilter
- resources_v2
- container_exec_user_group_cwd
- container_syscall_intercept
- container_disk_shift
- storage_shifted
- resources_infiniband
- daemon_storage
- instances
- image_types
- resources_disk_sata
- clustering_roles
- images_expiry
- resources_network_firmware
- backup_compression_algorithm
- ceph_data_pool_name
- container_syscall_intercept_mount
- compression_squashfs
- container_raw_mount
- container_nic_routed
- container_syscall_intercept_mount_fuse
- container_disk_ceph
- virtual-machines
- image_profiles
- clustering_architecture
- resources_disk_id
- storage_lvm_stripes
- vm_boot_priority
- unix_hotplug_devices
- api_filtering
- instance_nic_network
- clustering_sizing
- firewall_driver
- projects_limits
- container_syscall_intercept_hugetlbfs
- limits_hugepages
- container_nic_routed_gateway
- projects_restrictions
- custom_volume_snapshot_expiry
- volume_snapshot_scheduling
- trust_ca_certificates
- snapshot_disk_usage
- clustering_edit_roles
- container_nic_routed_host_address
- container_nic_ipvlan_gateway
- resources_usb_pci
- resources_cpu_threads_numa
- resources_cpu_core_die
- api_os
- container_nic_routed_host_table
- container_nic_ipvlan_host_table
- container_nic_ipvlan_mode
- resources_system
- images_push_relay
- network_dns_search
- container_nic_routed_limits
- instance_nic_bridged_vlan
- network_state_bond_bridge
- usedby_consistency
- custom_block_volumes
- clustering_failure_domains
- resources_gpu_mdev
- console_vga_type
- projects_limits_disk
- network_type_macvlan
- network_type_sriov
- container_syscall_intercept_bpf_devices
- network_type_ovn
- projects_networks
- projects_networks_restricted_uplinks
- custom_volume_backup
- backup_override_name
- storage_rsync_compression
- network_type_physical
- network_ovn_external_subnets
- network_ovn_nat
- network_ovn_external_routes_remove
- tpm_device_type
- storage_zfs_clone_copy_rebase
- gpu_mdev
- resources_pci_iommu
- resources_network_usb
- resources_disk_address
- network_physical_ovn_ingress_mode
- network_ovn_dhcp
- network_physical_routes_anycast
- projects_limits_instances
- network_state_vlan
- instance_nic_bridged_port_isolation
- instance_bulk_state_change
- network_gvrp
- instance_pool_move
- gpu_sriov
- pci_device_type
- storage_volume_state
- network_acl
- migration_stateful
- disk_state_quota
- storage_ceph_features
- projects_compression
- projects_images_remote_cache_expiry
- certificate_project
- network_ovn_acl
- projects_images_auto_update
- projects_restricted_cluster_target
- images_default_architecture
- network_ovn_acl_defaults
- gpu_mig
- project_usage
- network_bridge_acl
- warnings
- projects_restricted_backups_and_snapshots
- clustering_join_token
- clustering_description
- server_trusted_proxy
- clustering_update_cert
- storage_api_project
- server_instance_driver_operational
- server_supported_storage_drivers
- event_lifecycle_requestor_address
- resources_gpu_usb
- clustering_evacuation
- network_ovn_nat_address
- network_bgp
- network_forward
- custom_volume_refresh
- network_counters_errors_dropped
- metrics
- image_source_project
- clustering_config
- network_peer
- linux_sysctl
- network_dns
- ovn_nic_acceleration
- certificate_self_renewal
- instance_project_move
- storage_volume_project_move
- cloud_init
- network_dns_nat
- database_leader
- instance_all_projects
- clustering_groups
- ceph_rbd_du
- instance_get_full
- qemu_metrics
- gpu_mig_uuid
- event_project
- clustering_evacuation_live
- instance_allow_inconsistent_copy
- network_state_ovn
- storage_volume_api_filtering
- image_restrictions
- storage_zfs_export
- network_dns_records
- storage_zfs_reserve_space
- network_acl_log
- storage_zfs_blocksize
- metrics_cpu_seconds
- instance_snapshot_never
- certificate_token
- instance_nic_routed_neighbor_probe
- event_hub
- agent_nic_config
- projects_restricted_intercept
- metrics_authentication
- images_target_project
- cluster_migration_inconsistent_copy
- cluster_ovn_chassis
- container_syscall_intercept_sched_setscheduler
- storage_lvm_thinpool_metadata_size
- storage_volume_state_total
- instance_file_head
- instances_nic_host_name
- image_copy_profile
- container_syscall_intercept_sysinfo
- clustering_evacuation_mode
- resources_pci_vpd
- qemu_raw_conf
- storage_cephfs_fscache
- network_load_balancer
- vsock_api
- instance_ready_state
- network_bgp_holdtime
- storage_volumes_all_projects
- metrics_memory_oom_total
- storage_buckets
- storage_buckets_create_credentials
- metrics_cpu_effective_total
- projects_networks_restricted_access
- storage_buckets_local
- loki
- acme
- internal_metrics
- cluster_join_token_expiry
- remote_token_expiry
- init_preseed
- storage_volumes_created_at
- cpu_hotplug
- projects_networks_zones
- network_txqueuelen
- cluster_member_state
- instances_placement_scriptlet
- storage_pool_source_wipe
- zfs_block_mode
- instance_generation_id
- disk_io_cache
api_status: stable
api_version: "1.0"
auth: trusted
public: false
- tls
  - '[fd2e:d3ca:4bed:ae4c:8501:a173:e6ed:ce3b]:8443'
  - '[fd2e:d3ca:4bed:ae4c:e558:aead:240c:2ee]:8443'
  - '[fd42:7633:9e3f:5855::1]:8443'
  - x86_64
  - i686
  certificate: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  certificate_fingerprint: xxxxxxxxx
  driver: qemu | lxc
  driver_version: 7.1.0 | 5.0.2
  firewall: nftables
  kernel: Linux
  kernel_architecture: x86_64
    idmapped_mounts: "true"
    netnsid_getifaddrs: "true"
    seccomp_listener: "true"
    seccomp_listener_continue: "true"
    shiftfs: "false"
    uevent_injection: "true"
    unpriv_fscaps: "true"
  kernel_version: 5.19.0-35-generic
    cgroup2: "true"
    core_scheduling: "true"
    devpts_fd: "true"
    idmapped_mounts_v2: "true"
    mount_injection_file: "true"
    network_gateway_device_route: "true"
    network_ipvlan: "true"
    network_l2proxy: "true"
    network_phys_macvlan_mtu: "true"
    network_veth_router: "true"
    pidfd: "true"
    seccomp_allow_deny_syntax: "true"
    seccomp_notify: "true"
    seccomp_proxy_send_notify_fd: "true"
  os_name: Ubuntu
  os_version: "22.10"
  project: wrc
  server: lxd
  server_clustered: false
  server_event_mode: full-mesh
  server_name: HP-EliteDesk-20
  server_pid: 1845
  server_version: "5.12"
  storage: zfs
  storage_version: 2.1.5-1ubuntu6
  - name: ceph
    version: 17.2.0
    remote: true
  - name: cephfs
    version: 17.2.0
    remote: true
  - name: cephobject
    version: 17.2.0
    remote: true
  - name: dir
    version: "1"
    remote: false
  - name: lvm
    version: 2.03.11(2) (2021-01-08) / 1.02.175 (2021-01-08) / 4.47.0
    remote: false
  - name: zfs
    version: 2.1.5-1ubuntu6
    remote: false
  - name: btrfs
    version: 5.16.2
    remote: false