Replacing a faulty disk in a CEPH cluster

I am running a LXD cluster with 5 nodes using CEPH as storage. One of the disks became faulty and the corresponding OSD, Object Storage Daemon, was down. The physical disk must be replace. Here are the procedure I used to finish the job:

To check the status of the OSD tree:

ceph osd tree

 -1         20.37404  root default                                
 -7          4.00249      host node1                           
  4    hdd   2.18320          osd.4        down   1.00000  1.00000
  5    hdd   1.81929          osd.5          up   1.00000  1.00000
 -3          3.63858      host node2                            
  0    hdd   1.81929          osd.0          up   1.00000  1.00000
  1    hdd   1.81929          osd.1          up   1.00000  1.00000
 -5          1.81940      host node3                            
  2    hdd   0.90970          osd.2          up   1.00000  1.00000
  3    hdd   0.90970          osd.3          up   1.00000  1.00000
 -9          3.63620      host node4                               
  6    hdd   1.81810          osd.6          up   1.00000  1.00000
  7    hdd   1.81810          osd.7          up   1.00000  1.00000
-11          7.27737      host node5                             
  8    hdd   3.63869          osd.8          up   1.00000  1.00000
  9    hdd   3.63869          osd.9          up   1.00000  1.00000

It was noted that osd.4 was down. The refilling process should have already been started. It can be checked by:

ceph status

The faulty osd needed to be marked out, stop and removed.

ceph osd out osd.4
ceph osd stop osd.4
ceph osd crush remove osd.4

Wait until the refilling completed.

Delete keyrings from osd.4

ceph auth del osd.4

Remove osd.4

ceph osd rm osd.4

Now, replace the physical disk.

In the node with the faulty physical disk, create the ceph-volume

#ceph-volume lvm create --data /dev/sdb

Restart the ceph-osd service:

#systemctl restart ceph-osd@4

The CEPH cluster will start the refilling process. Wait until it is done. In my case, it took around 3 hours to complete. Check the status of the ceph cluster:

ceph osd tree