I have situation where I’d like to run an lxc container with a physical block device for it’s root.
I saw a similar question here, although it’s for VMs: Override root device for VMs?
I did try a variation on that, but want to still leverage a local lxc image. So, I created the container using the normal pool [ which is zfs ], added the extra disk with boot priority, then synced the data from the mounted zfs volume to the mounted block device partition [ formatted with ext4 ], then tried to start the lxc conatiner. But I get an error on start.
No such file or directory - Failed to mount "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/devices/test-container/disk.local--disk." on "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxc//none"
[ sorry, I know it’s lxd, but I’m stuck on that for now, and hoping for some help still ].
The devises section looks like this:
boot.priority: "10"
source: /dev/sdb1
type: disk
Is what I’m attempting here even achievable ?