Should Linux bridge 'incusbr0' be created during incus cluster setup?


I am using incus v 6.0, and noticed that when I run incus admin init and setup an incus cluster, incusbr0 is not setup. In contrast, when I typically run incus admin init for a non-clustered use-case, incusbr0 is setup.

Without this, I am unable to create a network in a cluster configuration, as the incus network syntax expects a parent/bridge.

So now I am trying to figure out how I should create this linux bridge - incusbr0. If I run incus admin init in non-clustered mode in an attempt to let incus automatically create incusbr0, I get an error because the default port 8443 is already used by my cluster, and I’m not sure what to do here, so I exited that process.

Should I use the bridge-utils package, and use the example syntax sudo brctl addbr br0?

I consulted the online documentation Create a network - but I’m still not clear on how to setup a bridge

Just looking for a little best-practice guidance here. Thank you.

We don’t create an incusbr0 bridge by default in clusters as it would only be per-server and so not allow for communication between instances on different servers within the cluster.

As that’d be very confusing, we prefer not to create anything and just ask the user if they want to use an existing bridge or dedicated host interface to attach to the outside.

For Incus-managed cluster wide networking, OVN is the way to go but that comes with a bit more setup.

Thank you, @stgraber. But just so I’m clear. I see an example setup in this link that appears to use an existing parent=br0. I’m thinking that setting up OVN might be way too complicated for me, yet I’m not clear on how to create a bridge outside of incus to use. If you’re strongly suggesting to use OVN, I will do that, but want to make sure I understand all feasible options. Thanks

That parent=br0 refers to a physical bridge defined outside of Incus using the distribution tooling, so things like netplan, Network Manager, systemd-networkd, …

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