Snap package installation fails inside vm

I started a lxd controlled ubuntu vm (lxc launch images:ubuntu/focal vmk8s --vm ) and then installed snapd in it.
Trying to install microk8s fails like this:

snap install microk8s --classic
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Fetch and check assertions for snap "core" (8935) (cannot get device session from store: store server returned status 400 and body "{\"error_list\":[{\"code\":\"invalid-assertion\",\"message\":\"invalid assertion: could not validate model assertion (revision 0 is already the current revision)\"}],\"errors\":[\"invalid assertion: could not validate model assertion (revision 0 is already the current revision)\"],\"result\":\"error\"}\n")

any ideas what could be wrong?

Smells like a snapd or snap store issue, could you report this at as both of those teams hang out there.

reported here

seems like it was a snap store outage…