Specify IP address

Is there a way to specify the IPv4 address a container gets setup with. Currently it defaults to a class A non-public address. I would like it to use a standard class C address, like

Thanks in advance

Are you trying to expose a service running inside an Incus instance to the outside world? Start with this video (it’s about LXD, but all those things are in Incus as well):

Accessing services running in LXD instances

The default configuration in Incus is that the containers would get a private IP address from the 10.x.x.x range by a private bridge (configured and managed by Incus). The default interface name (as seen from the host, is incusbr0).

If you want the containers to get an IP address from your LAN, then this means that you want a setup so that the container is exposed to your LAN. This means you need different networking, not the default private bridge.

You can check in the Incus documentation for bridged networking (public bridge this time), macvlan, ipvlan, routed, to name a few options.

If you really just need to expose just a specific network port of the container to the host (like, to map port 80 on the container to port 8080 on the host), then you can use a proxy device for that.

There are also a few other options. The important thing is to describe what you want to achieve, if you want a targeted solution that suits your case.

Thanks @qkiel for sharing. So much is packed in this video! ( for sure, I need to watch it multiple times )