Terraform-provider-incus - constrast between v0.1.4 and v0.2.0 - expecting VM is running

Version v0.2.0 doesn’t seem to consider that my Windows virtual machines are UP and Running.

After 3min, i have this:

│ Error: Failed to wait for instance "windows-ws-11-0" to start
│   with incus_instance.windows-ws-11[0],
│   on main.tf line 28, in resource "incus_instance" "windows-ws-11":
│   28: resource "incus_instance" "windows-ws-11" {
│ timeout while waiting for state to become 'Running' (last state: 'Running (initializing)', timeout: 3m0s)


$ incus info windows-ws-11-0
Name: windows-ws-11-0         
Status: RUNNING                        
Type: virtual-machine                                                                                    
Architecture: x86_64         
PID: 351642        
Created: 2024/11/20 11:26 EST          
Last Used: 2024/11/20 11:28 EST                                                                          
Started: 2024/11/20 11:28 EST

I did the same deployment with v0.1.4 and it finished successfully.

my main.tf

resource "incus_instance" "windows-ws-11" {
  name      = "windows-ws-11-${count.index}"
  count     = 2
  image     = "win11e"
  type      = "virtual-machine"
  ephemeral = false
  project   = "${incus_project.this.name}"
  profiles  = ["${incus_profile.redacted.name}"]
  wait_for_network = false
  # v0.2.0
  #config = {
  #  "limits.cpu" = 4,
  #  "limits.memory" =  "16GiB"
  device {
    type = "disk"
    name = "root"

    properties = {
      pool = "pool"
      path = "/"
      size = "100GiB"

I’m not sure if it’s a bug in the new version or an addition I’m not aware of.

PS, it seems that the timeout block is not supported? Would this be an interesting addition?

Thank you!

bugfix: fix instance is operational condition by breml · Pull Request #165 · lxc/terraform-provider-incus · GitHub I think that should be fixing this issue