TLS Handshake error wss: to 1.0/operations

wss://lxd.server:7443/1.0/operations/ b7e4cbcf-…/websocket?secret= 2e4c660…
dies with 1006.

t=2022-02-20T12:04:00+0100 lvl=info msg=“http: TLS handshake error from 113.91.xx.xx:41741: remote error: tls: unknown certificate”
t=2022-02-20T12:04:01+0100 lvl=info msg=“http: TLS handshake error from 113.91.xx.xx:41745: EOF”

Operation :
[type] => sync
[status] => Success
[status_code] => 200
[operation] =>
[error_code] => 0
[error] =>
[metadata] => Array
[id] => b7e4cbcf-…
[class] => websocket
[description] => Showing console
[created_at] => 2022-02-20T11:49:50.042339877+01:00
[updated_at] => 2022-02-20T11:49:50.042339877+01:00
[status] => Running
[status_code] => 103
[resources] => Array
[containers] => Array
[0] => /1.0/containers/alp1

                [instances] => Array
                        [0] => /1.0/instances/alp1


        [metadata] => Array
                [fds] => Array
                        [0] => 2e4c660...
                        [control] => 7a3d499...


        [may_cancel] => 
        [err] => 
        [location] => none

As certificate I have tried simple (key,cert) and PKI (ca,key,cert) each sha256/sha384 prime256v1/secp384r1.
DNS and IP in cert is packed with all possible domain, *.domain, possible ip …
Yet, as the ca is self signed, client seems to drop the connection wss:… to lxd websocket.
Which logs in lxd as:
t=2022-02-20T12:04:00+0100 lvl=info msg=“http: TLS handshake error from 113.91.xx.xx:41741: remote error: tls: unknown certificate”

Is there a work around for this?
Apply a real certificate from known root ca for LXD Server?
In client do https to middleman/proxy (nginx) and from there upgrade the connection to wss?

You need to ensure the remote’s certificate is in the LXD trust store using lxc config trust add

Remote is a web client.

  1. By using certificate, webserver requests an operation.
    Operation id and secret are than used to build a websocket link, which is called through a javascript by web client.
    TLS handshake error from 113.91.xx.xx ← IP is the web client IP which uses a browser executing within page wss://…
    How can a certificate possibly be applied in this context:

wss://lxd.server:7443/1.0/operations/ b7e4cbcf-…/websocket?secret= 2e4c660…

It cant, you have to proxy the socket operations with a backend (PHP cant do it, well unless you use swoole)

@stgraber may have some thoughts on this?

Thanks for the hint.
Seems right.
I had a guess, but hoped avoiding the extra proxying the connection.
Would an nginx connection upgrade work? Call https://domain/something , than upgrade /something/ to wss:/lxdserver …
or need to call a node port which proxies to lxd server? A node middleware or agent?
It seems there are too many turning wheels in lxd interactive sockets business.

nginx probably cant proxy it because the secrets are dynamically generated and not fixed.

If the above is true you need a full proxy written in Node in between, you can add some middlewere to auth your users. LXDMosaic does this but its GPL3 so if your writing a private application you probably need to work it out without looking at that code.

I will give nginx a try.
I can pass the whole link incl. secret to nginx https://domain/catchthis/operations/ b7e4cbcf-…/websocket?secret= 2e4c660…
Than run it through a rewrite rule to make the /catchtthis/ to proper link , upgrade it to wss:
Should above not work, yes indeed a node middleware is the solution.

Both, nginx and haproxy can upgrade a connection and proxy to websocket.
haproxy seems to have more advanced options.
Request is sent to proxy, it renders http header and by ws/wss upgrades and forwards.

  1. acl host_ws hdr_beg(Host) -i ws.
  2. use_backend bk_ws if host_ws
  3. routing based on websocket protocol header
  4. acl hdr_connection_upgrade hdr(Connection) -i upgrade
  5. acl hdr_upgrade_websocket hdr(Upgrade) -i websocket

I just was looking for a solution where the application server remains simple webserver html/php, not involving another middleman (node.js websocket server as proxy), saving the whole node installation and commission for middleman.

direct calls to wss://lxd.server:8443/1.0/operations/ b7e4cbcf-…/websocket?secret= 2e4c660…
fail with: 1006 and

t=2022-02-20T12:04:00+0100 lvl=info msg=“http: TLS handshake error from 113.91.xx.xx:41741: remote error: tls: unknown certificate”
t=2022-02-20T12:04:01+0100 lvl=info msg=“http: TLS handshake error from 113.91.xx.xx:41745: EOF”

as correctly mentioned here:

wss client needs to be either proxied by a wss server instance or by another proxy such as nginx or haproxy.

In order to upgrade the http / https connection to websocket:

nginx takes the following configuration(tested, working). It shows two backends srv4 and srv8, you can create multiple backends and proxy by matching location or rewrite.

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
    default upgrade;
    '' close;

upstream srv4 {
    server; # appserver_ip:ws_port
upstream srv8 {
    server; # appserver_ip:ws_port
server {
      listen 80;
      listen 443 ssl;
      ssl_certificate      /etc/ssl/domain.cer;
      ssl_certificate_key  /etc/ssl/domain.key;
      ssl_protocols       TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
      ssl_ciphers         HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;

    location /srv4 {
    rewrite ^/srv4^/ /$1 break;
        proxy_pass https://srv4;
        #proxy_ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/domain.cer
        #proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/domain.key;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

    location /srv8 {
    rewrite ^/srv8^/ /;
        proxy_pass https://srv8;
        #proxy_ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/domain.cer;
        #proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/domain.key;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

    location / {
        proxy_pass https://srv8;
        #proxy_ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/domain.cer;
        #proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/domain.key;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

now you send a request to b7e4cbcf-…/websocket?secret= 2e4c660…
nginx will upgrade and send it to wss:// b7e4cbcf-…/websocket?secret= 2e4c660…

It is bidirectional, lxd reply/data is transferred back to https:// …

HA Proxy can act as middleware too. The advantage is, you can map all your lxd server instances and divert the requests bu filtering url, domain, subdomain,port etc. to desired lxd server instance declared as wss backend:

frontend fe_main
   bind :80
   use_backend websocket_servers if { path_beg /ws }
 frontend fe_main
   bind :80
   default_backend websocket_servers

backend websocket_servers
   option http-server-close
   option logasap
   timeout tunnel 1h
   server s1 check