Ubuntu 16.04.3 snap install zfs no pools

Just installed Ubuntu 16.04.3 server fresh, setup my zfs mirror pool and installed lxd via snap. I do the lxd init and used the existing pool. It finishes without error. When I try to launch a container, it fails with no storage pools available. lxd.lxc storage list is empty! Is there a tutorial on setting up storage with a snap?

Figured it out.

I didn’t relize that LXD was installed by default with Ubuntu server 16.04. I removed the package and installed the snap. Works perfectly.

Follow directions from Stephane Graber’s website

If LXD is already present when you install the snap, you need to run sudo lxd.migrate in order to migrate and clear up the old installation.

Yeah, I’d strongly recommend always running lxd.migrate after installing the snap.
If there’s nothing to do, it’ll tell you so, if it finds anything pre-installed, it’ll let you get rid of it.

Hmmm… lxd.migrate won’t run, produces error:

=> Connecting to source server
error: Unable to connect to the source LXD: Get http://unix.socket/1.0: dial unix /var/lib
lxd/unix.socket: connect: connection refused

I did not initialize the lxd after completing the ubuntu install. I removed the package and install the snap then created test containers. Did I miss a step?

Ah, if you removed the packages, then that error makes sense and there’s no need for you to run lxd.migrate.