Unable attach storage volume to container

i am unable to attach Storage volume to container.
sudo lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 etcd-2
Creating etcd-2
Starting etcd-2
sudo lxc storage volume create local etcd-storage-1 size=200GB
Storage volume etcd-storage-1 created
sudo lxc storage volume attach local etcd-storage-1 etcd-2 etcd-1 /dev/etcd


Error: Failed to add device “etcd-1”: Failed loading custom volume: No such object

Please show output of lxc ls and lxc storage volume ls local.

sudo lxc storage volume ls local
|   TYPE    |                               NAME                               | DESCRIPTION | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY | LOCATION |
| container | etcd-1                                                           |             | filesystem   | 1       | ps001    |
| container | etcd-2                                                           |             | filesystem   | 1       | ps002    |
| custom    | etcd-storage                                                     |             | filesystem   | 0       | ps001    |
| custom    | etcd-storage-1                                                   |             | filesystem   | 0       | ps001    |
| image     | 8053cb95e852440e8e9379614e4b0c5bd0164afe1314a852a9799cf9e6f43f59 |             | filesystem   | 1       | ps001    |
| image     | 8053cb95e852440e8e9379614e4b0c5bd0164afe1314a852a9799cf9e6f43f59 |             | filesystem   | 1       | ps002    |
sudo lxc ls
|  NAME  |  STATE  |         IPV4         | IPV6 |   TYPE    | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION |
| etcd-1 | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         | ps001    |
| etcd-2 | RUNNING | (eth0)  |      | CONTAINER | 0         | ps002    |

Does just this below, work (i.e not specifying device name for the instance)?

lxc storage volume attach local etcd-storage-1 etcd-2 /dev/etcd

i tried both with device name and without device name,Both are giving error
with device_name
sudo lxc storage volume attach local etcd-storage-1 etcd-2 etcd-1 /dev/etcd
etcd-1 is device name
Error: Failed to add device “etcd-1”: Failed loading custom volume: No such object

with out device_name
sudo lxc storage volume attach local etcd-storage-1 etcd-2 /dev/etcd

Error: Failed to add device “etcd-storage-1”: Failed loading custom volume: No such object

Are you in a project? Show output of lxc project ls please?

Yes,Using default project.
sudo lxc project ls
| default (current) | YES | YES | YES | YES | Default LXD project | 7 |

This is the expected behavior. Your etcd-2 container is running on ps002 while your storage volume etcd-storage-1 is running on ps001. If you want to have shared storage volumes, you need to use Ceph, as all others storage backends (dir, btrfs, zfs, and lvm) are local to each node.

Ah yes indeed, good spotting @monstermunchkin!

ok,Thank you
Can we assign which system it should create like container should create ps001 and storage also should create ps001,While creating can we give any addition command like target??

Yes, that’s possible with the --target=<location> option. Here’s an example:

 lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 etcd-2 --target=ps002

The same applies to storage volumes. Just use the --target option.

I’ve also noticed that you run lxc with sudo. That’s not necessary if the user is in the lxd group.

Ok ,Thank you