Weekly status #42

Weekly status for the week of the 2nd to the 8th of April 2018.


As this was the week following our major 3.0 release, we’ve been very actively working on early bug reports and sorting out packaging for this in the distros.

This led to quite a number of bugfixes being done, issues investigated and a large number of updates to our snap and Debian packages for the various components.

We expect to keep this focus on bugfixing for the next 2-3 weeks so that we can ensure we meet our usual quality expectations after a major release and offer a smooth upgrade to our users. We’re also doing some work refreshing our 2.0 stable branches in preparation for the last major bugfix release of the projects before they enter the much slower security-only phase of their support.

All that being said, we have started work on a number of features targeted at LXD 3.1 and are planning to resume our monthly feature release schedule starting at the end of this month, putting us back into our normal release schedule until we start preparing for LXD 4.0 in a couple of years.

Upcoming conferences and events

Ongoing projects

The list below is feature or refactoring work which will span several weeks/months and can’t be tied directly to a single Github issue or pull request.

Upstream changes

The items listed below are highlights of the work which happened upstream over the past week and which will be included in the next release.




  • Nothing to report this week


Distribution work

This section is used to track the work done in downstream Linux distributions to ship the latest LXC, LXD and LXCFS as well as work to get various software to work properly inside containers.


  • Uploaded lxc 3.0.0-0ubuntu2 to fix an upgrade issue
  • Uploaded lxd 3.0.0-0ubuntu2 with quite a number of cherry-picked fixes
  • Uploaded lxd 3.0.0-0ubuntu3 with quite a number of cherry-picked fixes


  • Added support for nvidia-container-cli allowing the use of the new nvidia.runtime option
  • Silence some modinfo messages
  • Added log rotation for lxd.log
  • Fixed an upgrade issue from 2.0
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