Would it be possible to create a zfs storage volume for Incus container where block size=4096


I have a problem. When I am trying to use a docker with MS SQL Server (on Ubuntu 22.04, Incus 6.2 container), it gives me an error:

Cannot use file '/var/opt/mssql/data/master.mdf' because it was originally formatted with sector size 4096 and is now on a volume with sector size 8192. Move the file to a volume with a sector size that is the same as or smaller than the original sector size.

I am using ZFS Storage Pools and ZFS Storage Volumes. As far as I understand, the recommended minimum block size for zfs = 8192 and the maximum block size for MS SQL server = 4096. So there seems to be a conflict.

Would it be possible to create a zfs storage volume for Incus Container with block size 4096?


We have zfs.blocksize for that.

incus storage volume create default mssql size=200GiB zfs.blocksize=4096 or something like that

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Thank you for the answer.
When I created new Storage volume with “zfs.blocksize=4096” flag, the problem was solved.