Attempting to launch a VM fails looking for empty list of UEFI firmwares

I am trying to run a new VM for OpenWRT using Incus on a Fedora 41 IoT machine. I am trying to use the migrate tool to run it from their .img file, based on discussion from here. It successfully creates a VM but then is unable to start it.

I first encountered an error very similar to this user. I upgraded my packages, I now have Incus version 6.8 and QEMU 9.1.2 (qemu-9.1.2-2.fc41).

Currently I am getting Error: Couldn't find one of the required UEFI firmware files: [] trying to start this VM.

I found this discussion, and did the step linking seabios.bin in case, but was unsuccessful.

# ln -s /usr/share/seabios/bios.bin /usr/share/OVMF/seabios.bin

I also attempted to use the empty VM suggested in that discussion to isolate issues and check the logs.

# incus launch --empty --vm foo -c security.csm=true -c security.secureboot=false
Launching foo
Error: Couldn't find one of the required UEFI firmware files: []

# incus info --show-log foo
Name: foo
Type: virtual-machine
Architecture: x86_64
Created: 2024/12/15 18:24 EST
Last Used: 1969/12/31 19:00 EST
Error: open /var/log/incus/foo/qemu.log: no such file or directory

I’m pretty lost here, hoping to find either guidance on further steps to troubleshoot, or a better way to install OpenWRT (I see there is a container, but I want the VM to do PCI devices).

I encountered the same error trying to run very old Debian 9 VM image and this part fixed the issue for me. Thx!

You’re welcome! There were a few bits of scattered information I found for this topic, glad it was helpful to link some of them together.

I’m getting the same bug on Arch Linux, trying to boot Debian 12 in BIOS mode.
Here’s how to reproduce the error (download the Debian 12 ISO first):

incus storage volume import default \
	~/debian-12.8.0-amd64-netinst.iso \
	debian-iso-volume \

incus init trinity-poc \
	--empty \
	--vm \
	-c limits.cpu=4 \
	-c limits.memory=8GiB \
	-c security.csm=true \
	-c security.secureboot=false \
	--profile default \
	--profile vlan_servers

incus config device add trinity-poc iso-volume disk \
	pool=default \
	source=debian-iso-volume \

incus start trinity-poc
incus console trinity-poc --type=vga

The ln -s /usr/share/seabios/bios.bin /usr/share/OVMF/seabios.bin trick didn’t help me.
Has this been raised as a bug on Github?
If not, I’m happy to do so.

Edit: I have also tried to turn off secure boot in my default profile, as suggested by the Arch Wiki, in case that was the cause, but no dice.

I have not raised this one on Github. If that would be a good place to look for help please feel free!

I have raised the following bug:

Well as you can see, on Arch at least, it’s because the INCUS_EDK2_PATH environment variable is set in the systemd unit, and it shouldn’t be.
Might be worth checking if this is the case in Fedora 41 IOT.

That worked for me as well! Thank you for raising that issue.

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No worries! :slight_smile: